Learned To Unicycle After 30 Years!

When I was 19 at the University of Toronto, I saw two guys unicycle by. I
flagged them down and they said that they were in the U of T Unicycle Club. In
fact, they were the only two members! I enjoyed their jest and from that day on
always wanted to ride a unicycle.

Every time I attended a seminar on goals and was asked to record my goals, the
first goal to come tumbling out of my mind onto the page was “Ride a unicycle!”.
This wishful thinking continued for 30 years!

Finally I realized that, if I didn’t change, I would go to my grave wishing I
could unicycle. So, I walked briskly into my Executive Assistant’s Office and
asked her to book me a unicycle lesson. Then I walked briskly out before she
could object.

After contacting circuses and other clown-related organizations listed in the
Yellow Pages, she finally came up with the phone number to The Toronto
Unicyclist, whose President gladly invited me to their next meeting and offered
to teach me for free!

My Assistant had done in 30 minutes what I had not been able to even start
in 30 years.

I excitedly arrived at my first lesson. Darren taught me and sold me a unicycle.
I met other competent unicyclists like Ed, Rolf and Keith. But, no matter how
many lessons I took and no matter how much I practiced, I just could not ride
that darn unicycle!

After months of frustration, I dejectedly retired the unrode unicycle to the
garage and forgot about it for the Winter. Then, in the Spring, I dreamt one
night that I was riding my unicycle! I immediately got up, brought my unicycle
out from the garage and tried to ride
it. I could not but I was definitely better than in the Fall. Two days later it
happened! I rode
iu. All by myself. I was in control. I had achieved my lifelong dream. I was
riding a unicycle!

Thirty years of procrastination finally paid off.

Re: Learned To Unicycle After 30 Years!

Raymond Aaron <aaron@name.net> writes:
>My Assistant had done in 30 minutes what I had not been able to even start in
>30 years.

Give that girl a raise! :slight_smile:

>Thirty years of procrastination finally paid off.

I’ve been working hard on learning to ride backwards lately, so expect a post
from me shortly wherein I pat myself on the back too. (Hmmmmm, for riding
backwards, I’d guess I’d have to pat myself on the front, huh?)


P.S. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!