LBS Sponsorships

Wow that sounds awesome! How did you ask them? Because I know them pretty well, and I dont wanna get rejected… :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, went I talked to my LBS, I pretty much said, “…and I was wondering about sponsorship and if you might be interested now or in the future.”

im waaaay to scared… :frowning:
I know that he’ll probably say no, and then I’ll feel like a complete idiot

Just ask. It’s not like they are going to make fun of you for asking. If they are not looking to sponsor you, then that’s all there is too it.
Look on the good side, if they say yes, then you are good to go. If you don’t ask at all, nothing changes. It would be as if they said no.
Even if they say no, you can look into other places, but at least you know you had the guts to ask anyway and know how to go about it next time.

Hmm, thats true
I guess I’ll just have to do it without thinking of what can happen

Should I just say to him him I can tell other people about his bussiness and stuff while im out riding? I ride at least an hour and a half a day (unless its raining too much)

For me asking was easy, as I ride with the guys there all the time, mtb shop run by mtb riders, sweet :D.

I talked to my LBS again, after giving them my resume a few months ago, and I told them about RTL and the uni I’m getting for it. The are really interested and told me to bring in the uni once I get it and they will provide me with their jersey, and majorly discounted/free equipment. They are also going to have a donation box with my picture with my uni on the desk to help me raise money for RTL. :smiley:
Things are slowly falling into place. I shall be recieving my new Nimbus Nightrider Pro next week!! I am so excited because it’ll be the first time I’ve ever ridden a 36er.

Wow, thats great!

You should see what other skills you could offer them too, E.g a website if your skilled at webdesign and they dont have a website.

good luck with the sponsorship :slight_smile:

The Bike shop guy i go to is way cool.
He gives me parts and tires for a discounted price anyway.
Im thinking about asking him to sponser me and i will ride with his shirt and stickers on my uni…do yall think im good enough yet???

I think that might be up to you to decide. It’s not just about the tricks you can do, it’s how you sell yourself as advertising space for the LBS. How are you going to be able to make yourself noticed in a positive manner and be able to get their name out there?
With me, my selling point was that once I get my coker I’d be riding long distances and go different places, in return for his help with sponsorship, I would be willing to wear their cycling jersey to make myself look less like an amateur and more “professional”-looking as well as advertising for them. The owner was quite excited too, because he has never seen a 36-inch wheel on anything, let alone a unicycle, and he had been a professional road bicyclist for many years.

Thank you. I feel that I could advertise quite well since I seldom ride in private, and not noticed.

Today, I got officially sponsored by my LBS. They are going to help me pay for Ride The Lobster and give me free and discounted equipment.
I will be wearing their jersey while training and going to events.

I brought my 36er in and demonstrated outside, the owner was very excited. I’ll be going with them to a bike event/show in Toronto next weekend. :smiley:

Way to go Coretech

Thats great news.

Today I was interviewed by local paper today.

They reviewed my riding history, took me to a gym and took pictures of me bench pressing my unicycle, doing curls with the unicycle, and riding my unicycle.

I let them know I have not yet qualified for the race yet, but I’m looking to the community for support during my training. I also let them know I’ll be looking to the community for sponsorship when I do qualify to aid me in my expenses in attending the event.

They even called my wife and got the family support angle. Can’t do RTL without support from the wife :wink:

BTW> Love your new uni, hope to have mine soon too.

Some unicycle manufacturers will give the LBS a discount as well if sponsoring a rider, this is called “co-sponsoring”. I don’t have a list of manufacturers that do this but I know it’s done, especially in the two wheeled world. This might be another incentive for your LBS to increase your discount.

is LBS

Yes. :slight_smile:

Well I Mountain Bike race and last year me, my dad, and his biking friends put together a team and we got sponsorship from my LBS. And this year I am getting a new unicycle and I asked if they could get it and… I can get a 20" KH for $327 or a (non-custom) K1 Devil for $350… I am going to ride around in their jersey I got last year, when I get my unicycle… so I guess I am sponsored by them for unicycling even though I never really asked them/they asked me… they will also put a few of their stickers on my unicycle (blue stickers will match my KH!) and I have a few of their water bottles I bring with when riding.

To help with getting sponsored just say something like:
"Can you guys see how much you can get this unicycle for? It is $___ online but I like your service and you might be able to get it cheaper… And how much does one of you shirts/bottles/jerseys cost?
And if they can get you a unicycle cheaper/when you get it say something like:
"I wear your jerseys/shirts around when unicycling and always put in a good word about you guys, well… are you guys able/looking to sponsor me?.. I mean a lot of people look my way if they see me and a lot ask me questions about unicycling and I always say that you guys have great service and have great products at low prices.

well that is all I have to say on this subject…