Laurent Fignon is dead

He won The Tour twice, and lost with the closest finishing margin in Tour history.

May he rest in peace.

Man, I remember that finish against LeMond like it was yesterday.

Sad day for cycling.

Oh my! I remember that finish too…RIP Fignon

This is sad. Hat’s off to a two time winner of the TDF. May he RIP

No way :frowning:
I didn’t even know he was ill. He and Robert Millar were my heroes, and that finish against LeMond was indeed legendary. Very sad to hear he’s died.


Si vous êtes toujours gagnant, vous êtes une vedette. Si vous perdez parfois vous êtes un héros.
Not every Tour winner can beat that dissease. 8 seconds. 50 years. Forever hero.

Leo, that is a stunning post.

Thank you.

He was a consultant on french TV and covered last TDF in july, his voice was completely messed up by the disease and he used to talk about it simply.
I also remember the last stage against Lemond, though I’m not into cycling.
RIP Laurent.

RIP Fignon!

For those of you who never saw that classic finish…

Thanks, I don’t think I’ve ever said so much in so few words. It also reflects the way he looked at his losing (the tour). In the 20 years not a single week passed without someone mentioning it. He accepted it as part of his history; if he would have won nobody would still talk about it that much (like I described in the 1st sentence).

As I think/hope you’ll understand, here’s a Flamish source.
As Belgium still is a huge cycling-country the site still shows a section/page dedicated to him.

Recent video’s…

Team Manager LeMond 1989:

Valerie Fignon:

Me with Greg LeMond in 1996. This was the weekend before the first-ever Muni Weekend. Greg signed the Muni Weekend flyer I’m holding in my left hand there. This was in Davis, CA at the grand opening of a Bruegger’s Bagel shop, in which Greg was part owner. He used to live and train in Davis.

I would rather meet John Foss than Greg LeMond. I’ve heard that John Foss is a really good unicyclist

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I’ve met both, and don’t I think either belongs in the center of attention of this thread.