Latest on Global Warming - 2005 the warmest year in a century.

Some more scientific information for the ideologues to ignore.

Of 928 peer reviewed scientific articles published between 1998 and 2004 on the subject of global warming, over 600 link global warming to human causation. Guess how many dispute this: zero.

The disputes with global warming come from industry and right-wing think-tanks, and some republican senators who seek to require absolute proof that such a link exists before enacting legislation, which is, of course, impossible.

Dave (GILD), don’t you wish you lived in the US so we could both be on the same lists of agitators?

I think we are, nationalities notwithstanding.

So, what are we going to do about that Barton fella?

I guess we’ll just move up to the Yukon at some point. I really want Gilby, Harper, or JC to weigh in for this discussion.

all i can say is it better start warming up up here in canada or im gonna blow a gasket…its so cold out side.

I have one thing to say…!!! REGISTER NOW!!!

Global Warming is pretty serious, there has already been marches against it

seriously though, it is serious.

Interesting ‘new’ development…
<a href="Methane ‘Fart’ from the Earth Poses Enormous Global Warming Risk

By Steve Connor, The Independent UK. Posted September 24, 2008.

Melting in the Arctic has caused the release of millions of tons of methane – a gas 20 times more damaging than carbon dioxide

The first evidence that millions of tons of a greenhouse gas 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide is being released into the atmosphere from beneath the Arctic seabed has been discovered by scientists.">

Its not about warming…

Coldest August ever in Australia?

How about this: South Africa, also?

I think in the intervening years since the original creation of this thread the term ‘climate change’ has taken it’s rightfull place in describing the phenomenon.

Best find a big match and light that fart; sounds like that would be the lesser of two evils.

Won’t that just put us back in the ‘warming’ disussion’ again?

But yeah, as far as headlines go…

Climate has been changing for as long as there has been a planet…I can’t get too worked up about it, sorry…

Sometimes it is colder sometimes it is warmer…sometimes glaciers melt and recede, sometimes there are ice ages…

Sometimes there are hurricanes and floods, sometimes there are droughts…

I have clothes for all the possibilities…and there is nothing that can stop mother nature from her course…by getting frought with “chicken little” syndrome and pounding one’s chest will not do anything about it…

Maybe I will sell carbon offset credits and get rich like AlGore…at least that would impact MY world…

I was just teaching a math problem using some data from NASA. Apparently Triton (Neptune’s largest moon) has been heating up also. What if it’s not global warming but Solar System Warming!

I also seem to remember a problem that showed a significant warming on Mars in the last 20 years, but that was probably because of those two little remote control cars we drove around up there.

Well let’s look on the bright side, maybe global warming will save us from the coming nuclear winter.

The man made global warming is going to drastically affect the atmosphere, creating a climate shift that throws us into a new ice age… Don’t you watch television?

No, but I know everything on the internet is TRUE.

You mean, if there where a ball of fire 864938 miles in diameter burning at 15,000,000° C out there somewhere?


I find it preposterous, myself, to think that the fiery ball in the sky’s solar pulses have an affect on the temperatures of the little orbs that circle it…I wonder how mankind can be responsible for the solar activity…

Is it possible to sell some sort of heat dissipation aerosol that we can all use to cool the sun a bit, please…

…and don’t even get me started about the water on our planet…it takes up more mass than does air…and it is not held responsible for the swings in temperature or climate? I am aghast!

Food for thought.

Part 1:

Thanks for the link…interesting stuff!

BTW…I still clean up trash when I see it, and like clean water, and fresh air, too…