
I’m off to fly for a couple 3 weeks. Bug 'ya all later.

Check’s in the mail, Tommy- same to you Max… soon as I get an address to post.


Can we have your password? We’ll post for you.

I too will probably be off line until at least Sunday.

Hope ALL your flights are great.

Won’t be the first time, I suspect…


:astonished: Who said that?

Me too

I’ll be off down in socal near LA in a city called Oxnard for a few days. And the best part is I get to sit in a car for 8 hours, YIPPY!!
I’ll be unicycling down there, thank god I have a unicycle (figure of speech, I’m Athiest) Well, I’ll see you later guys. I’ll be posting as much as I can today, before I leave tomorrow. ciao!

Re: Me too

Praise the Lord! And sing hallelujah. :slight_smile:


Looks like you’re back. Found this pic of you combining uni and flying. Must be from your earlier days.
