Last Orders at the BUC

Time is very nearly up folks.

BUC12 pre-registration closes tonight before I go to bed.

So if you want a discount register NOW.

Those of you likely to be paying over £90 I would advise to click send a
cheque or pay by bank transfer (options provided); paying over £90 by
NOCHEX requires signing up which depending on your bank/credit-card may
take a couple of days for their “test” transaction to come through so
you can prove who you are. (They move a random amount under £2 off your
card into your NOCHEX account for you to confirm how much was taken.)

Anyway stuff posted today (or postmarked first thing Tuesday am) will be
gladly accepted.

Tall Paul.<><

British Unicycle Convention 12 Organiser.

Must be getting close to Tall Paul’s bedtime…

That might depend on what time his infant daughter decides to stop screaming!

I don’t know, I’m guessing.