Last man muniing (june 8th 2025)

I am, together with my club currently planning a new kind of unicycle competition:
A last man muniing standing
It is currently in development, but the current date is sunday, june 8th 2025.
The principle is pretty easy:

  • One loop (for the best riders, twice the same loop)
  • Every hour, you have to do it once more
  • If you cannot take the start (exhausted, not yet arrived from the previous loop), you are eliminated.
  • The last rider … well, riding, is the winner.
  • After 12 loops, everibody will have to stop for safety and organisation reasons

It will happen on the cotentin peninsula, so pretty close to england, in a place with ferries coming from both england and ireland. For those of you who skiped geography class and our fellow americans, here is a map to show you where it is.

If you want to join, feel free to let me know, registration details are not fully ready now, but it should be during spring. If you have any question, feel free to ask.

Oh, and june 8th is really close to june 6th, which is the commemorations of the D-Day, which happenned 100-200 km from the place of the event, which is also a pretty good justification to coming to normandy.

You will need to have a french federation licence in order to participate (around 15€ I think) in addition to the registration fee (not chosen yet), but I will give more informations about all that when everything will be 100% sure.


As a geographically challenged and ignorant American I thank you for this. :+1:


That’s a cool concept! Hope you’ll find lots of participants and have even more fun.

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How long is the loop?

The loop I am currently planning to use is ≃ 5,1 km long (3.2 miles for the metric challenged people) for 130 m of climbing (430 ft). We should have two categories :

  • espoir / beginners : one loop every hour
  • expert : two loops every hour
    It usually takes me around 20-25 minutes to do the loop once, and when I do it with beginners, it can take us up to 1h30, but we usually try to ride most of the track and lose time on more technical parts.
    One short portion (maybe 200 m) of it is pretty hard (lots of rocks, including many that can move), but we will have to do some cleanup to remove at least the brambles hanging in the track, and maybe some of the rocks.