Does anybody else use this site? It’s a really excellent version of internet radio, and it has all kinds of cool little other bits as well. It’s actually somewhat myspace-ish, but with a lot less emo, and you don’t really have to use those features. I strongly recommend checking it out, since it’s free and works well. My username is tierray, if you want to see what I have on there. is great; Personal Radio is excellent for when you are just too blummin’ lazy to decide what you want to listen to…
One of the founders is Treepotato’s brother, don’tyouknow.
Mine is
I use it sometimes. I have a lot of downloa…er…‘ripped’ music though.
I listen to / The classical music is great sleeping music, and they have a good techno/trance selection, too.
But my music is only tagged till F and I haven’t installed the winamp plugin for now. Anyway, “Autopilot Off” would be on top…
certainly is Phil it’s my big brother (username RJ)
great site! tell everyone you know about it!
my usernames’ treepotato