so i was on the internet on my laptop and it said i got a virus then it froze up on me, so i turned it off and turned it back on and now it wont load fully, only the backround shows none of the icons or start menu or anything else, please help
Restore from a backup disk image you made before the infection. You do have full backup disk images?
See if you can boot Windows in Safe Mode. Then from Safe Mode copy your My Documents and other data files to another hard drive. Copy off anything you want to save. Then reinstall everything from the laptop manufacturers Windows install disk and start from scratch with a clean system. Install OS security patches. Install your favorite apps again. Copy over your data files. Now your good. Then make a disk image of your hard drive and burn that disk image file to a DVD (or two) to save as a backup so you can more quickly restore if you get infected again or your hard drive crashes or your laptop is stolen.