Kris why on the taiwan kh frame 2004 the crown is so high over the tyre? In the canadain version the cron is closer to the tyre…
Perhaps he’s going to release a 4’ MUNi tyre? That would be really cool!
They’re called tractor tyres!
It’s probably for mud clearance isn’t it? I haven’t got one, but I guess that’s what it’s for!
yes I know that but like I sad canadian version is much more lower and his red unicycle (I think that this one he likes the most) has crown lower too…
o yes I wanted to ask one more question…
why not build the frame like that red unicycle that kris rides on it with the flat cron but from tubing? I like that one very much. and the sites the frame are 45 degree. very good idea…
best regards to all society
I haven’t seen any photos yet or anything but I personally like having a high crown for gliding and one footed stuff. I don’t seem to be flexible enough to stop my foot from hitting the tyre on most munis when gliding. So if it’s what I’m imagining, then I’m happy.
My name isn’t Kris, but I am guessing that there needs to be some differences between the pro and the regular model, so that could be one of them. You pay a whole heap more for the pro-model so they have to keep some improvements to lash out on the big spenders.
could it be so it will fit a 26" wheel in there too?
I’m 6.1 and I have a hard time getting my foot onto the crown for 1 foot riding. Its still an awesome frame though.
You shouldn’t have any problems getting your foot up on the crown for one foot riding. I can get my foot up on the crown of a Coker.
Coker one foot picture
It takes some practice to get your foot up on the frame of a 24" muni but once you get used to it, it becomes much more natural.