I’ve been using Wikipedia for a while and I have noticed that there isn’t a proper article for Kris Holm. It is still a “stub”.
I don’t really know too much about him other than talk on the forums and his website.
So this is basically a call out to anyone that knows more about him to edit his Wiki.
Also, I would encourage you to add or properly edit articles on ny other notable unicyclist.
(Also, sorry if this is in the wrong catagory)
- James
I have no insider info. Yet perhaps you could gleen facts from vids to make a huge improvement on the wiki info. A noble endeavor that would advance uni knowledge a bunch IMHO.
The way Wiki is edited isn’t the most simple process, or I would add one of those personal information box things. You know, with the persons name on top, then a picture, and a bunch of info about them.
Anyone who has acurate knowledge of KH please post on this forum.
Also, JF, if you could fill us in with some of your details that would be great. Man, I would really be honored in being able to watch my own Wiki beng created.
Maybe some day…
Acurate info would include DOB, dates of major life events, competions, etc.
No disrespect for Kris, but is anyone in the unicycling world notable enough to have a Wikipedia page? I don’t feel that anyone in unicycling or bike trials or similar activities are notable enough to have a Wikipedia page.
I’m too lazy to dig through the mess that is the Wikipedia standards, but somewhere in there is a description of what it means to be notable enough for inclusion in Wikipedia.
Even the unicycle article needs to be properly edited. I read it and I some things being repeated three times. Most unicyling links from that article need to be fixed up more. These articles partially represent us unicyclists on the internet and if we want them to accuratly represent us and our chosen sport, we need to edit the posts as a community.
ISTR the notability standards being fairly loose. Kris has a fair amount of media coverage - online and in conventional publications. I think that alone is probably enough to cover notability.
OK folks. I’ve added a couple more section headings but details need to be filled in.
Anyone who’s editing the article please make sure you’ve read the Wikipedia guidelines regarding what you’re allowed to contribute. Basically, stuff that you wrote yourself (not copied from other places) is OK, as long as you agree to the terms under which they want it licensed. Same for images which you upload.
Don’t be shy about editing though - get in there and contribute stuff. Don’t be offended if somebody change what you’ve written, though, they’re probably just trying to help.
A nice thing to add would be some picks of Kris Holm unicycles. So, guys, anyone here own a KH? If you can get a nice picture of the uni and upload it, it’d add a splash of colour to the article!