tony is very skinny! i saw him when he was 14y old and he was like a tooth pick, the first thing you thought of was there is somthing wrong with him.
Kris isn’t very skinny, any way
skinny= better endurance
tony is very skinny! i saw him when he was 14y old and he was like a tooth pick, the first thing you thought of was there is somthing wrong with him.
Kris isn’t very skinny, any way
skinny= better endurance
thats prety much how i thought of it too! Ever since in knew about kris hlm and tony hawk. They been like the same thing, just different sports.
If that’s the case then there’s a whole wobble (or was it a splattering) of muni riders that are as innovative as Kris.
IMHO, finding a new way down a hill isn’t as innovative as finding new things one can do with their equipment. We’ve already established that munis are capable of taking one down insane slopes and over many different types of stunts and obstacles.
Some innovation takes years to develop. The first personal computer was a major innovation, but it couldn’t be done “on the spot”. You can’t write off someone’s original development based on the amount of time it took.
Again, I refer to my definition of innovation. Sure, people were pool skating before Tony Hawk, but there’s a laundry list of things that Tony Hawk did on a skateboard that no one else had done before.
You’re forgetting Kris Holm’s unmentioned predecessors: mountain bikers. A lot of what Kris Holm rides has been done many times before on a bike. Granted, he’s doing it with different equipment, but what he’s doing has been done before.
dude… what? I cant be hearing you right. You’re so wrong.
So it would appear…
I believe Kris Holm is the person with the best claim to having invented the pedal grab, which is now one of the most vital core skills in unicycle trials. The entire field of unicycle trials, and from there the derivative of street unicycling, pretty much stemmed from just three people, of which Kris was one. He also was the first to use a brake for technical downhills, and the first to take “off-road unicycling” away from the realm of cross-country and in the direction of extreme freeriding. Finally, before every man and his dog started making videos of their riding the videos of Kris Holm’s trials workshops at a NAUCC were pretty much the seminal works of How To Do Trials; I know I watched them repeatedly when I first got interested in jumping on stuff.
Tony Hawk may have knocked out loads of new tricks, but that’s really what skateboarding is about; he hasn’t substantially influenced their design or the range of activities that can be performed on one. Kris Holm has been one of the major influences in establishing unicycling as an extreme sport in its own right, in both techniques and more recently equipment specialised to the purpose.
I’m with Tom; unicycling would probably be very different had Kris not been there to kick-start the revolution.
So, what, does that make George Peck chopped liver?
George Peck may have pioneered off-roading, but Kris Holm was probably the first to use the word “gnarly”…
George Peck said “tender rear end” once, or was it “tender bottom” ?
close enouph?
Forgive me for my ignorance, but even though GP pioneered the riding itself, didn’t KH really make it popular and pretty much create the equipment that is used while riding off-road (e.g the Freeride)? I’d put more credit in Mr. Holm’s hands in that case.
that is probably true, but we can’t really give more credit to Kris. he popularized the sport, sure, but George Peck pretty much started it. of course, thats not to say that if George Peck wasn’t around, MUni wouldn’t have eventually come to be.
COOL PIECE OF INFO: George Peck went to the University of Idaho, which is about two miles from my house!!
so did Chris Reeder!!!
so we is known dat Kris is fitta dan Tony, but hew is betta hung?
I say kris cuz 'e is always landin on 'is jewls?
i do 3D modeling!! just so you know but too busy at the mo
Make a linux version and I’ll beta test (Ok, I’ll boot into Windows to test too…)
That you on the Giraffe Brian?
yah I think kris is deffently cooler then tony not to dis tony or anything, I just like unicycling better, CUS EVRYONE FREKING SKATEBOARDS
Surely you mean FIGHT? (Only if you live in UK)
His new series starts tonight by the way.
GP was doing all his riding just fine on his classic Schwinn. KH didn’t make his own unicycles for some time, nor did Tony Hawk create his own line of skateboards until he was popular.
The equipment does not make the sport, nor does it make the sport popular.
Clowns made unicycling popular. GP and KH just found something else to do with their unicycles
Kris has mad testicular fortitude!!!
I bet someone could make a mod for tony hawk or dave mirra for the PC.
I have seen wierd mods for tony hawk underground, so why not a unicycle.
yeah, i bet you could…like how they have a spiderman or darth maul rider in some of the games, they could just make one on a unicycle. it might be hard, but doable.