Kris might be posting something soon as well, but I thought I should throw this up now as early bird registration ends in a week.
Kris Holm Invitational Unicycle Competition
Burnaby Village Museum, 6501 Deer Lake Avenue, Burnaby, British Columbia
(Corner of Canada Way and Deer Lake Avenue)
Sunday June 4, 2006
The speed trials course is approximately 17 metres long and consists of a series of ramps and obstacles to be traversed. Riders race 4 across and are timed over the course. Finals will be held for each category.
The criterium race is around a short course of approximately 250 metres. All youth categories (6-15 year-olds) are 1 lap, all other categories 3 laps. This race will use a LeMans start: riders will run 100 metres to their unicycles, mount and start racing.
Registration forms and more information can be found here: