Kris Holm Invitational Unicycle Competition - Unicycle competition in Burnaby BC.

Kris might be posting something soon as well, but I thought I should throw this up now as early bird registration ends in a week.

Kris Holm Invitational Unicycle Competition

Burnaby Village Museum, 6501 Deer Lake Avenue, Burnaby, British Columbia
(Corner of Canada Way and Deer Lake Avenue)

Sunday June 4, 2006

  • The speed trials course is approximately 17 metres long and consists of a series of ramps and obstacles to be traversed. Riders race 4 across and are timed over the course. Finals will be held for each category.

  • The criterium race is around a short course of approximately 250 metres. All youth categories (6-15 year-olds) are 1 lap, all other categories 3 laps. This race will use a LeMans start: riders will run 100 metres to their unicycles, mount and start racing.

Registration forms and more information can be found here:

Adult registration

Minors registration

Sweet, sounds like great fun ! everyone should come (that’s right even you reading this). count me Sean and a bunch of us Vuc’er’s … well Victoria unicycle club… speed trials should be crazy fun !

how’d it go? and will there ever be another?