Kris Holm 20 Trials

Before I decide to proceed to checkout on a new KH 20 I thought I would see if anyone wants to sell theirs. Title is pretty self explanatory, looking for a KH 20 trials. I can buy new so price is open to condition and year of unicycle. Please post or pm me if you have one and I would need a picture before buying anything. I can pay by paypal and immediately once I see and like the uni. thanks.

Ergolicious has one for sale.

I pm’d him but for the price he is asking I’d rather pay a bit more and get one newer. Thanks.

bumpity bump, Ergolicious said he has to hold off selling as he can’t ship right away. Anyone???

throwing it out here one more time, looking for a used KH 20. Anyone??? Please

I got one for sale. check my thread or pm me

Thanks Joe. I bought one. I’m all set, but good luck on your sale.