I just watched a uni video, and it said unitrials.de at the end. Of course, I went there. Unfortunately, it’s in German, so I went over to altavista.com’s babelfish translation to translate one of the pages.
Apparently Kris Holm translated into German and then translated back into English is Kris Cross Beam. I find that not only funny, but something of a coincidence, if you think about it. Kris Cross Beam. Get it?
Freaky, I’d say. But mostly, it’s so sad that nobody has bothered to reply to this thread…
Dave Lowell (uni57)
I find it more sad that you would refer to yourself as a nobody. Try to remember, the glass is half FULL.
Ah, but self-esteem is NOT a quality that I lack! I was referring to the sad, sad period of time BEFORE I posted.
Dave Lowell (uni57)
If anyone refers to themselves as nobody, then just remember this: nobody’s perfect.