John Foss, did a Swedish magazine named “KP” interview you? It says they did in their magazine, I just want to know if they really did or if they just used facts they found on the internet.
The questions where 1. How old where you when you learnt to unicycle? 2. How do you larn to unicycle? And 3.Do you wear a helmet when you unicycle.
I opened this magazine in the school cafeteria and had a look at it when I was bored under a long break, and surprisingly there was a pic of you in it and those questions. There was also facts about unicycles and about some Stockholm-guys hwo ride (it seemed like they mostly just rode around on their starter unis).
Woah, lookee what I found, as I was about to click back to!
So what were the answers?
Yes, I do get around. I can’t remember if it was a phone interview or not. More likely an email one. But I believe the mag is aimed at a young audience, and they didn’t want lots of detail because it was to be a short one.
I would love to hear how it came out. For best results if anyone wants to ask me a question in the future, try the email address. that’s why it’s in my sig line.
That would be cool! I’m sure everyone here would enjoy if you can do it. This would be better to post in the forum. I know it sounds like a bit of work but TAK in advance if you manage it.
Why boycott McDonalds? So far, in my experience, they have never made me eat anything. I know those fries are bad for me, but they tase goooood…
I also love the fries and personally do not boycott McDonald’s, but given the nature and status of megacorporations, their social policies, and PR and advertising budgets, I’d rephrase that question as, if you feel like it, why not boycott McDonald’s?
Why boycott McDonalds? So far, in my experience, they have never made me eat anything. I know those fries are bad for me, but they tase goooood… [/B]
Under the Iraq-war I boycotted everything that was American. I stopped boycotting when the war was over, but I didn’t start eating at McDonalds again. I’m not articulary talking about McDonald’s now, I’m talking about fast-food in general. The Tv-ads make people beleive that the food is healthy for you.
Ok, I changed that now so it says “fast-food” instead.
So here’s a translation, and tomorrow I’ll be able to use a digital camera so I’ll post a pic soon.
Here’s an exact translation:
3 Questions....
… to John Foss from California in America, hwo is a three-time world champion unicyclist.
How old where you when you learnt how to unicycle?
I was 14 years. It took me 6 weeks to learn to cycle 10 metres. I gave up several times and threw the unicycle in a corner. But then it sat there and laughed at me. I couldn’t let it win. And some children in my neighbour-hood unicycled, and I didn’t see why they could but not me. So I continued, and learnt after a while.
How do you learn to unicycle?
The important thing is that you know that anyone can do it. The most common is that it takes two weeks to learn if you practise an hour per day. But there are people hwo learn in a few hours and those hwo need several months. You can manage it if you are sure that you can do it and never give up. It won’t be easy, but that’s hat makes the unicycle so fantastic. You manage something that seemed unmanagable in the beginning.
When you train you can hold on to a fence. Sit straight and don’t let go of the fence. Cycle forwards and backwards for a long time, then you can let go.
Do you wear a helmet when you unicycle?
Yes! I know how dangerous it is to hit your head, because I know peopl hwo has got head injuries. It never hurts to wear a helmet. And I don’t think it’s cool with scars. Real unicyclists wear helmets!
That was it. There are some facts aout unicycles to by the side of it. For example that the smallest unicycle is a Swedish unicycle that Peter Rosendahl cycled on, that the unicycle was discovered by mistake, that there are over 1000 active unicyclists in Sweden, what a unicycle weighs, what it costs, where you can buy them, and how high it should be.
Did I say the war in Iraq? Hm, here is what I meant (but didn’t write):
Under the war in Afghanistan I boycotted American stuff. Under the start of the Iraq war I didn’t boycott exact everything. Not now either. But I have always continued to boycott McDonalds, Burger king, well… fast food in general. Because it’s not healthy.