Koxx Street Uni's?

I was looking around the Koxx site and saw the mew street uni’s they’ve got out. i’ve got a few questions that i hope somebody might be able to answer or at least try to.

  1. are they as strong as the trials uni’s that koxx one makes?

  2. Is there an advantage with the new 135 cranks over the solid aluminium ones?

  3. Why get one of these instead of getting a devil?

thanks guys

and possibly girls

i think theres already been a thread about them. i saw one a few days ago. do a search and you will find it.

i think that was about the xtp or whatever the new trials unicycle is.

I hope I can help.

  1. I dont know the strength of these parts, but remember, they are Koxx parts and will be reletavly strong. I dont think they are as strong as the solid Alu cranks but I know they can withstand a 180 down a HUGE 4 set. Probably the size of a six set.

  2. They cranks are tubular, this means that there is alot of space to put your foot on whilst doing wraps and the like. They are slightly shorter, this will make them marginally better for freestyle (NOT MUCH). It will also make unispins easier because the wieght is closer to the centre.

  3. Because of the above points. Plus, they are made to look good. The picture of Dan’s unicycle doesnt do it justice. It looks great, I am sure someone will come on with the correct word is but you can see the ‘burn marks’ where the welds are. Looks so good.

Hope to be of help, wait for someone with real experiance to shime in. Remember they havent been out for long at all so be prepared for wait to find out more.


should i get a white widow or the orange bud?
open to any suggestions whatsoever.

oh yeah and please nobody tell me to get the KH, i’m not getting it.

I heard that they do not recommend the street uni for doing trials stuff as it might break. Xav was riding - as far as I know - with a trials uni at unicon in the street-style competition for the drop-stuff.

hey iridemymuni!
I have no experience with Koxx unicycles- but one of my mates is looking into getting one. He figured out that shipping etc on the Koxx one stuff to OZ blows the price out enormously. If you are willing to part with quite a chunk of your cash then by all means go ahead- i hear the Koxx unicycles are really nice. Even though they suffer from crank bendage over time, my 05 KH trials with rail adapter and 127mm cranks is a sweet, light ride. I got mine from Gary land in brisbane and am very happy with it. The choice between KH and Koxx would have been harder if Koxx had a supplier in OZ (therefore taking away significantly from shipping/tax)

I cant remember all of his run, but I’m pretty certain he used the same unicycle throughout. He tried to Trey flip that HUGE 4 set with the Orange Bud for sure.

He didnt enter the Trials because he hurt himself trying to Trey flip a 5 set somewhere else (with the orangebud I think… Its on film)


hey cool, i got my uni off gary too (nimbus II 24")

yeah it sucks that shipping costs a BOMB to australia.

well it’s pretty much, the devil is a trials uni, the others are street unis. what do you want to do with them?

1) are they as strong as the trials uni’s that koxx one makes?
I would say they most likely are but you really cannot tell until they have been tested on the market.

2) Is there an advantage with the new 135 cranks over the solid aluminium ones?
They are tubular cranks which some people prefer. They are also a size that you cannot get anywhere else, supposedly a size that is ideal for street.

3) Why get one of these instead of getting a devil?
If you think that those cranks are what you want then get it. The cranks are basically the defining factor in it.

I talked to Yoggi over MSN and he said to me these cranks have less Q-factor then the KH cranks and they are stronger then the KH cranks.
You can use them for trails, but the aluminium Koxx one cranks are stronger, so beter for trial.
Also the tubular cranks are beter for roll tricks on the cranks.


can smeone post a picture of these my computer wont let me see em

Rather than just raping the websites bandwidth with more useless attachments check out this topic. New KOXX ONE Unicon XIII products

it has the pictures of all the new koxx products

I really want to get these cranks :roll_eyes:

You guys are forgetting the rim. Its eyeletted and dosn’t have and holes.

i heard the new street crmo cranks are really flexible… not sure how they’d with stand but i think i’m going to get some to change back and forth between the trials ones and them on my white widow.

why would you do that

um, why not?

I was wondering, will 5mm. shorter cranks make a noticable difference in speed and crankflip/other street capabilities.

no it wont so why would you spend a hundred bucks on a centimeter difference