Koxx one in Canada?

I was on the Koxx one website and I found a store that sells it. There is no website or email or even phone number so does anyone know of a way to contact the store in Canada that sells Koxx one?

i would just send the guya letter…tell him to give you an e-mail or sumthing.

What is a letter? Is this some new form of media used to convey messages or is it some form of teleportation device?:stuck_out_tongue:

WHAT!? thats so sweet just checked it out its in quebec… i think Ottowa needs one to lol. should make a trip down there and check out what he has

yeah…a letter is the newest thing.i havent totally gotten the hang of it but hey maybe if we all start to use it ti will become mainstream.

I would love to go there but its like a five hour drive and I don’t have my license. I tried searching all over the yellow pages and canada 411 and I couldn’t find out any information on this guy. I guess the fastest way at this point is the letter thing, but that takes time. I will probably send him a letter tonight asking him to email me to try and speed up the process.

Hey guys,
I just came across this thread,
Division8.ca is Canadian distributor for KOXX and TryAll products.
We’ve mostly been into bike trials, as we’ve been in the bicycle industry for a while already…
I had no idea our contact information on the KOXX-One website didn’t include an email address and phone number, which both do appear on the KOXX.fr website… I’ll make sure they fix that…
For information, you guys can contact us at : request -at- koxx -dot- ca
Unfortunatly, I might not be coming back here on a regular basis, so the best for you will be to email us…

My email has crashed, does anyone have the email address for Division8, thanks

request -at- koxx -dot- ca

I was wondering, what kind of Koxx-one parts do you have?

We stock almost everything…

But please email us for infos, as this is a forum, not a paid commercial :wink:

I sent you an email to request at koxx dot com.

That’s Koxx’s email, I think you want http://division8.ca/ or request@division8.ca

oops. I’ll try that 2.