Koxx-One Devil

these are great unicycles and look nice, anybody know where i can get one for cheap!

renegadejuggling.com devils are 395+s&h for white widow, gold edition and blueberry add $26

wow i sound like an ad:p

i lvie in canada so it would be like 500 bucks, anywhere cheaper, or anyone have one forsale?

try http://www.div8.ca/

its 490 canadian

is that with shipping? Anyone buy one from renagade juggling, how much was it with shipping

i bought from renegade
it was $19 shipping, but that was to the USA without border fees and whatnot. i think your best bet is division 8

walmart sells them for about 200 us bucks

Too bad they don’t sell a gadget that would make you realise this is a few years old.

meijer.com has them really cheap. ;3

Woops…I just noticed this as well.

Last time I checked, Walmart sold calenders…:smiley:


Omg soooooooooooo cheap :O… Wish I could buy some