know how much coal or oil it takes to run your a.c for an hour?

The Grid, a book by Phillip F. Schewe, says it takes about a pound of coal to produce one kilowatt hour, enough energy to run your air conditioner for an hour, wash 200 pounds of laundry, or mill 300 pounds of grain.

Anyone know, if coal wasn’t used, how much oil it would take?

Or how much atomic energy?

It would take one kilowatt hour of nuclear energy which we shamefully have very little of.


Do you support offshore drilling for the nuclear energy under the ocean?

Or do you think we should harvest it from the sun?


I support all uses of the sun, including warmth, heat, light, gravity, and any other form of radiation.
It is also good for disposal of waste generated whilst splitting atoms.

When you burn coal or pretty much any other natural fuel, you are indirectly gathering energy from the sun. Why not get it more directly from the source?
Do not underestimate the giant yellow H-bomb in the sky!



Do you really think that only these two alternatives exist? Doesn’t WalMart sell some books? Did you finally use Google to find out what the energy equivalent unit of fuel oil is? Or do you need for someone else to do that for you?


We also have a shamefully large amount of nuclear waste already. I don’t see the purpose in making more. Short sighted solutions will lead to a short lived human race.


I plan on living forever, or at least 'til our sun either blows up or burns out.

non sequitor?

what’s google? i’m an old man, would i touch something called google? sounds like something you’d say to an infant.

Wal-Mart has seemed somewhat incomplete up to this moment: IF Wal-Mart were allowed to build and maintain nuclear power plants linked to their grid of 24-hour-superstores, we would instantaneously leap 50 years into the future of post-modern development.

First, low-cost prescriptions.

Next, clean power.

The future, eco-friendly inter-Walmart transportation? Walmart organic farms and dairy? Walmart University? Walmart’s nonlethal armed forces? Church of Walmart? Lord Emperor Supreme Wally Himself?