Klaas' unicyclist.com forum statistics - an observation...

If you go to http://www.xs4all.nl/~klaasbil/rsu2003.htm and scroll down to ‘Posts Per Weekday’ you’ll see that we’re still active and we generally get out and unicycle when we get the chance.

We (as a whole) work, work, work until the weekend comes around, then get out and go unicycling all weekend…then post about it on monday and reflect on the weekend’s activities until the next one comes around. :slight_smile: It’s good to see.

…well either that or we just all hate our jobs/studies and post here instead! I personally like to think of it the other way though. :slight_smile:


I’ve noticed that too. To keep up with this list you almost have to lurk at work.

Weekend mornings and evenings are a great time for me to catch up on postings but sometimes it feels like you’re the only one out there until the activity increases on Sunday nite or Monday morning.

Got to go, it’s time to load up for today’s ride. :sunglasses:

If my boss only knew.

Andrew’s first argument is what I offer on the statistics page too. But posting from work is a feasible explanation as well. Even though my work is far from boring, I head to unicyclist.com for a quick fix more often than I would care to admit to my boss. Hope he doesn’t read this…

Klaas Bil

(Oh no boss that must be a totally different Klaas Bil!)