Killer Brocolli!

In grade one a guy in my class made a potato powered clock, and got bumped up to grade two like the next day. Until like grade eight I thought that was the sole reason. Turns out he is a genius, and not just because of the clock.

A friend of a friend of mine (she’s old too like 15 or 16, and seems reasonably intelligent) until very recently believed that humans lived on the inner crust of the earth. Like inside.


When my little brother was about 4 me and my older sister tried very hard to convince him that he wasn’t real. I don’t know if he ever believed us but he definitely looked worried.

I listened to a radio show once where they had a phone-in on this subject, the best one I heard was a man who said that when he was a kid his Dad claimed to have written the Bible:p

a friend of a friend of mine is 17 and she thinks that the world is flat and also that u have balls of hair inside ur head and when the balls run out u go bald :thinking:

that isn’t gella is it tom??? and some guy (i shan’t name him) thought that when trees all move and sway in the same direction it makes the wind. Other way round eh?

I remember being the favorite target for my aunts and uncles jokes when I was a kid…
They succeeded in making me believe:
-that I could lay eggs (my favorite one:D )
-that horses used to loose their “nails” (don’t know the word:o ) and dogs really loved to eat these nails, just like bones.

Oh, and there’s this Santa Claus thing;) …

i used to think that after i went to bed the trees outside my room turned into monsters and tried to attack me.

  • still kinda freaked out still of trees and spooky shadows.

monsters under my bed would get me if i stayed on the floor for to long after the lights went out. so i would turn the lights out and run and jump onto my bed.

  • i find myself doing it again not because of monsters but because it is fun!

some exceedinlgy weird and wonderful replies thankyou!

All these posts remind me of so many things!

My other gramma claimed that she invented cheetos.

A friend of mine’s dad told his kids that “Falling Rock” was the name of an angry tribe of Native Americans who throw rocks at cars :astonished: .

Here’s one of my favorites:
My Dad told me that people have three eyes. The less obvious of the three is a photosensitive spot on the top of our heads called the Pineal eye. This was even in the dictionary.

Often I would sit with my eyes closed with the top of my head pointed at the lamp by my bedside. I would part my hair differently to try to expose this spot and see the light through it. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is more like a nemafoot, I’d say, in Birkenstock no less!


actully my scieince teacher say that they have there ovn phlem and the only thing that they have in commen is their kingdom(hey we are doing classification at the mo in sci) also podzel my mom had the same issue w/ crusts and eating thtem cause her sister had really curlly hair and was mean and my mom didnt want to be mean

I belived that cracking joints gives arthritis untill I looked it up on wikipedia

yeah I hate kids like that what I do is ask what they (the kids) are after i answer

That’s a dirty picture alright, but what is it?

From your nematode link. It has something to do with nematodes and banana plants?

Oh yeah, the old nematode in the banana gag.

When my sister was 7 I had her believeing that she was adopted. It worked so well because I told her that if she asked my mom about it we would send her back to the orphanage. It was funny for a while but then it got kinda sad so i told her the truth…Shes still mad at me for that.


That’s a gag alright


my dad also told me and my bro one time he could rub sticks together to make fire. but just before it sparked, he made us go get sticks so we could make a bonfire when it was going. we got back just in time to throw sticks on the fire he created.

10 years later he told us he used a lighter