Kill Bill

I was watching this last night because it was on tv and my friends kept telling me how good it was. After about 7 minutes I really began to hate it. I just wanna know how many people out there thought it was a good movie and how many were conned into it by trustworthy friends only to get stuck with 2 hours of terrible D grade movie.

Also, how did this movie manage to get a sequal? Is it just that nobody wants to hurt Quintin Tarintino’s feelings?

I did not think much of this film either.

First thing to note is that Kill Bill II wasn’t a “sequal”. KBI and KBII were always marketed as “one movie”, just released separately.

That aside, I enjoyed it. Like most of Tarantino’s films, there’s a lot of references to other movies and people he admires, so if you have an eye for those sorts of things, it can be fun to spot them. Plus, some things were just funny in the “we know he’s not trying to make this look realistic, but ‘authentic’ to some more classic films”.

Take the Crazy 88 fight - there was SO MUCH ridiculous gore in that shot that you know they weren’t going for realism. While that turns a lot of people off, I got a huge kick out of it and found it more than a little funny.

Either way - like all movies - not everyone will like it. It’s not in my top 10, but I do find it to be a fun distraction from time to time.

I enjoyed it. its not in my top 10 either though.

i can’t imagine trying to watch it on tv. i don’t know about australia, but in the USA we censor a ton of stuff when it’s on tv, and edit out whole chunks to make it fit timewise. KB 1 is a terrific homage to the action/kung-fu movies of the 1970s. KB 2 is a homage to westerns and film noir. there’s so much blood and violence in pt 1 and so little in part 2 it’s a beautiful duplicity. Somewhere there’s a list of all the references to kung fuu and westerns tarantino makes, ther’s hundreds. some are straight out of things like Enter the Dragon and The Outlaw Josey Wales, and most are much more subtle.

I think both movies are fantastic. perhaps when you’re older and mroe knowledgable about movies you should give them another chance.

no kidding I hate watching movies on american channels up here. If I’m watching a movie on TV, I want it to be on CBC because on Canadian TV you can say and show pretty well whatever you want so I don’t have to worry about all these annoying bleeps. If they’re worried about language, I say either for the viewer, don’t watch it (bleeps do nothing but leave the language up to your imagination, they don’t eliminate anything), or to the tv station, don’t play it at all. American censorship is a little ridiculous IMO.

I quite enjoyed KB1, although i preferred KB2. I can’t imagine them bleeping the words on a late night film on TV in the UK, or indeed substantially editing a film unless it’s for showing before the watershed. Just one of the reasons why i find the phrase “The Land of the Free” mildly funny.

The only thing they bleeped out was that chicks name.
“Hey honey, my name’s bleeep
“Honey, bleep just said hello what do you do?”

Bleh, I stopped halfway through. Everyone told me it was good too…

Same thing happened with Napoleon Dynamite.

dude! one time i was watching EASY RIDERS on AMC and they showed an un blured full naked girl body, on regular sattelite (not payperview) i was like “WHOA that was unscensored!”

whats her name

I’m not sure. You find out in the second one but I think her name is “bleep” or something like thats.

Say what?

Ok, this is a serious question, large parts of the dialogue are in (i presume) some dialect of Japanese. Was the film ever released in japan, and if so what did they do about the sections of dialogue which are mean to be unintelligible to the viewer, knowing what is being said would ruin the affect.

I can’t actualy remember what her name was now.

Her name is Beatrix Kiddo.

I for one enjoyed both vol. 1 and 2.

I like most of Tarintino’s films, especially his style of filming, it just catches your eye. I have to admit, i need to be the mood to watch either kill bill. Almost evey single character in those movies were sooo badass. The story is great.

As for the crazy 88’s fighting scene…that was ridiculous, but that is straight up Tarintino
I would reccomend this movie, just make sure you are not squimish about blood.

I really dont like his films because they are very self conscious

The only part of KB I liked was Lucy Liu cutting off the head of the Tokyo mafia crime boss.
I liked that girl named GoGO.
UMA Thurman was wonderful to look at, in every frame of the picture.
But despite all that, i thought it was boring and predictible

Everyone I know ranted and raved about it, but maybe iot went ovret my head.


if you catch a good bit of the references or the shot he “borrowed” from other movies and entire genres, it’s like being in on the fun. plus is dicotomy between the first movie and the second, and particularly michael madson’s character was incredible. overall it’s a visual film though, the plot was a tad predictable, but still awesome. not as groundbreaking as say, Resevoir Dogs, but still a quality movie.