Kill Bill

you damn spelling whore :stuck_out_tongue:


I was pretty sure thats how it was spelled, but everyone else was spelling it diffrently, and Im wicked bad at spelling, so I just played along. Glad you said something though.


You say “tomato” i say “Terintino”

yea i know i didnt mean to hurt anyones feelings or anything but jagur did kinda make me sound like an idiot, i was just giving everyone a little perk, cuz i know if i saw kill bill again it’d be cool to imagine bill as david carradine, lol man that guy rocks


Yeah, Jag can do that. He can kinda piss you off if you let him get to ya. Just tune him out. Meanwhile…

You mean Citizen Cane right? Or do you mean Citizen Kane. Apparently somebody knows everything about nothing. (duh),

Jeez, Jag, How embarassing.

what ever…?,dont bother PM’ing me with questions about unicycles,tools,and how to use them anymore…

Jag rocks. He makes entertaining posts while drunk far more often than anyone else does. Forums like these need more drunken posts!

Go! Go drink, in the name of the unicycling community!


Hmm… I have a bottle of wine and a couple of bottles of beer. Maybe I should finish them off, even though I don’t drink wine. That should definitely make me post something funny here. When I decided to order my new unicycle I was a bit drunken and didn’t even remember, rightaway, that I’ll soon get a new unicycle. A couple of hours more sleeping and everything was fine again.

back to the movie…

i thought it was extremely well done

the acting was good
the story was interesting
the fight scenes were well done even if long
the camera was, like all tArAntino films, sylistic and sweet

it is hard to point out flaws in the movie.
i agree that the anime worked out great

i just saw this movie and i must say, it was so freakin sweet. i rarely think the movie i pay for deserves that eight dollars or so, but if i could i would have tipped too. seriously, i want to go watch this movie right now. since i can’t think of any other movies i saw this year, this gets my vote for the #1 movie of the year. two thumbs up for ultimate awesomeness.

by the way, i sneaked into the texas chainsaw massacre remake after kill bill, and really, that has to be the worst movie i’ve seen in a long time. it was such crap, they should just rerelease the original into theaters. now that would be bitchin.

I finally saw it. A college buddy of mine got some bootleg verson on DVD so i got to see it on a big screen in the lounge of my resident hall.

I loved the movie. Very teratino-esque. Not really one of his BEST but i still liked it as a movie.

I saw Kill Bill last night on Tightass Tuesday. I thought it was pretty good. I got three tickets for NZ$10 which is pretty cheap considering it is usually $11.50 for one ticket. Jagur, Uma’s feet may not be pretty, but does it really matter unless you have a foot fetish? I don’t think your feet would be the nicest things to look at either, nor mine. It was pretty funny seeing cinema screen sized ugly feet. Austin, how did you manage to see Kill Bill? Here in New Zealand it is rated R18. Considering how violent it was there were quite a few laughs.

Nice work on pointing out the spelling of ‘Tarantino’ Phil, it was annoying me reading it wrong too. Some of you poor spellers should invest in a new brain or at least some education!


I was up in NYC with a couple of friends, and saw that they were playing Kill Bill. For anyone who doesn’t know, NYC is riduclously expensive but i really wanted to see Kill Bill that badly. In my opinion it was well worth it. Ok, i didnt really want to see her feet for that long. And i didnt want to see Go Go penetrate a man with his sword but overall it was good. Not the best sword fighting, but it was above average. As a Tarantino movie it was ok, but those are some high standards with reservoir dogs, pulp ficition, and jackie brown as a regular movie it was pretty good

btw the soundtrack kicked major ass

the movie finally opened in the third world

i had a load of fun watching tarantino (thanx phill, i ignored this thread till now, your post set my mind at ease:) ) take the piss out of Hollywood and rubbing it in by doing it in this bizarre live-action manga kinda style
he just needed some Bollywood star as the male anti-hero and the rip-job would’ve been complete

the girlfriend didn’t quite like it and spoke of the movie in terms that included ‘pile…’, ‘heaps…’ and a whole lot of other words they did mention in the movie a couple of times

i love the way they set up the sequal (well, part three) with uma telling the kid that if she’s still sore about watching her mom get killed, she(uma) will be waiting
when do we get that one?

(who said u can never be too cynical?)

Why, Lily Tomlin did, as a matter of fact.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

aha!, i knew i saw it somewhere before


Part II is coming out soon… I think in July or something, not quite sure, I’ll check…

i have a friend who is obsessing over Vol. II coming out. He told me he dreams about it. I’m not that obsessed but i’m looking forward to it.