KH: On The Front Line

The union that I am involved with is on strike at the moment & I have been riding my KH 24 while picketing. I’ve had my picture in a # of publications but haven’t been able to get a hold of one that I can post.

My riding seems to help bring a smile to most folks faces on the line so I feel that I’m contributing just a bit more.

Hope Kris doesn’t have any major hate ons for unions.

Screen writer or Broadway theater worker?

Neither John. I work for a University in Canada. (University of Saskatchewan)


Okay I guess it makes sense for the writers to get more press than your strike… :stuck_out_tongue:

The writers get to make press by writing about (or not writing as the case may be) their case. :slight_smile:

I haven’t even noticed that the Hollywood types are on strike. I don’t watch that kind of TV any more. I do, however, agree with the writers. They’re getting the bad end of the stick and the strike is justified. And in some cases unionizing and negotiating as a group just makes sense.

I don’t know how Kris feels about unions. But how his unicycles get used and who gets to use them is out of his control once they’re sold.

Kris’ views on the environment and doing the responsible thing is more demonstrated by his alignment with the One Percent for the Planet initiative. As long as your strike isn’t causing devastation to the planet or being irresponsible you’re in the clear on that hot button issue.

Have fun on the uni. Just don’t fall down while you’re out there and get bloodied and scabbed. :stuck_out_tongue:

Corner Gas writer?

Wait, the UofS is on strike? Wow I guess I have been out of the loop. Are the Physical Therapy people on strike? I was going to try to get an appointment to get my knee checked out by someone who knows what they are doing. (I haven’t had much luck here in PA)

If I make it to S-toon anytime soon I will keep an eye out for you around campus:)

Little Mosque on the Prairie writer?

Yeah the support staff is on strike. not sure if you can get an appointment or not as support staff take care of a lot of the bookings at both Royal University Hospital and the PAC.

If you want the best Physio in S’toon call Mackie Physiotherapy @306-955-7888 or 306-955-7871. Get a booking with either Blain or Jason