O well, it’s gotta go. Practically right out of the box. $600.
Why selling so soon?
I got it last year, rode it a few times and realize I don’t like UPDs from that height! So I’ll settle for my 29".
Interested. PM sent regarding shipping.
I’ve had a few PM from the USA. I’m not looking to pack it up for shipping. I’m hoping to sell it within a few hundred miles of home, like in Ottawa or Montreal cuz I go to Montreal often. It’s a pain in the butt to send a uni over the border. USA customs paperwork and all that.
Paperwork for us shipping is about 4 words. Type of item, unicycle. Value $***. Gift or commercial sample or other tick box. Takes about 15 seconds at the post office counter
Packing a 36 inch wheel however could be a chore.
I’m going to do my best to avoid having to pack it up for shipping. A regional sale would be best for now!
You should post it on Monotreal.ca! You’ll probably sell it within a few weeks! I dont need a 36er, sorry!
Good idea Jaco, I’ll do that.
Hi, I’m in Toronto. Is the uni still available?
It is. You’d have to arrange a pickup in Ottawa or Montreal though.