Kevin won't teach me how to ride

I need some help, and this botch won’t teach me how to ride. I could get it if I had a little coaching. So please encourage Kevin, Nick, and Joe to teach me how to ride. I thought you were my friend!

i tried for months to teach him how to ride, he just doesnt have the heart

You lie Kevin, you spent less the twenty minutes teaching me how to ride. As soon as I started to move, you went in to play Smash Bros. How dare you? Anyways, Hey everyone else!


that was back when we only had like 3 unicycles amongst the 3 of us. we would rather be riding than teaching, so we didnt teach much. now that we have extras, we’d be happy to give you help. you learned a lot in 20 mins so it shouldnt take long.

I know. we’ll teach him on the giraffe

Kev you better teach me how to ride, I am going to sue if you don’t. Especially now since I have witnesses. I think you better go to work now. Dennis is going to fire you!

Giraffe I don’t want to fall. It’s way too tall.

he better not have gotten me archie and jughead comics for the polliana.

ok folks im off to works.

You actually don’t really need someone to teach you. It helps, of course, but it’s not entirely necessary. Do this:

  1. Get a uni.
  2. Get a fence.
  3. Get on the uni while holding on to the fence.
  4. Try to pedal forwards.
  5. Stand up and brush yourself off, pick up the uni, and repeat steps 3-5 about ten times.
  6. Eventually you should be able to go as far as you want while holding the fence. Then try pushing off the fence and pedal as far as you can.
  7. Repeat steps 5-7.

Do what I did… LEARN ON YOUR OWN IN A STUPID CITY WHERE YOU ARE THE ONLY UNICYCLER!!! I used a car instead of a fence, the back of my friends Nissan truck was what I used, I would go around it completely, than I would like launch myself from the back of the truck into a parking lot or coldasac, it was fun, I haven’t riden in a few days, I need to ride today…

Or like i did…Use the force!
and practise on your own a “coach” doesn’t make a difference.

ist… Unicyclist

Re: Kevin won’t teach me how to ride

your friends are fine
no-one can teach u how to ride
all they can do is show u how to teach yourself
this is mildly zen but totally important
from this thread alone u should have a fair idea
if u have specific questions, ask
we’re all happy to pass on bits of info that worked for us while we were trying to get it
keep working at it while the other guys are playing smash brothers and before long they’ll see the tricks u’re doing and ask u to teach them

hang in there

Check this out:

I actually was trying the fence and the car. They helped, but I get stuck and then I feel myself fall, and I jump off. Is there anyway to stop that natural reaction? I can actually pedal a few times, but after about two rotation I crash into oblivion. Are there any good tips to controling your balance, any other types of activity that would help?

Well when I was teaching my friends the main thing they did to control there balance was before they started riding they ideled back and forth for a little bit to build a kind of muscle memory I guess. Im not sure if it will work for you but I just remembered that first try riding my friend fell then he ideled for a little bit and got a couple rotations in.

Have you ever seen Finding Nemo? Sing that song that Dorie keeps singing. Just keep pedalling, just keep pedalling, just keep pedalling…
JUST KEEP PEDALLING!! If you keep pedalling, then I guarantee that you’ll go further than you normally do. Just keep pedalling.

Yeah, I am going to ty over my holiday break. Hopefully I don’t fall into a pile of snow. I think that I can get it now. I don’t know why, but, I have this strange confidence.

Strange confidence is gooood when learning to do uni stuff. Sort of like with that unipsyching thing I posted.

by the sound of it u’re bending at the waist in an attempt to balance yourself
u should avoid this and keep your back ramrod straight (later u can relax a bit more, right now, go for ramrod)
this is made easier if u look off into the distance and not at the groud in front of u

let go of the saddle
it might feel like the only grip on stabillity u have left
it isn’t and by keeping your hand and arm between your legs, u’re making it more difficult for yourself to balance
keep your arms out to the sides
wave them about
scream and shout
it may not help, but it does make u feel better
(with apologies to charlie dancey)

make sure u’re sitting on the seat and not carrying a majority of your weight on your legs
your legs have to make very minute adjustments to keep u in the balance envelope and they can’t do that when they’re carrying your weight
about 70% of your weight should be on the seat and 15% per leg on the pedals

aim to pedal as smoothly as possible, all the way around to avoid being stuck at BDC/TDC (bottom dead centre and top dead centre if u’ve never set the timing on a car)

have fun


dont worry manny we’ll teach you over the break. you can borrow my old @$$ uni to practice on until you get your own.

Funny. My problem is to force myselve to grab the saddle.I do it but it is not natural.:frowning: