kennet canal RR

Took the Coker out for a spin today, just a little 7 miles along the
kennet Canal towpath and then up to Upton Nevvet where a friend had the
kettle on for tea, then onwards through the woods for a another several
miles to the train station and home. There is some single track in the
woodland round Mortimer that I must go back an vist with a muni someday,
or maybe with our soon to be created 29er with its 2.1 tyre. Today I
sampled just a tiny bit of it on the coker, fun but the path kept vering
away from where I wanted to go so I decided to try it again on a day when
I don’t need to be back in town so early.

strange co-incidence of the trip. My friend has only been in the village
two weeks, I vist on the Coker and her Landlord promtly tells her that
there is a lad in the vilage who rides one of those one wheeled things.

wildlife sighting of the trip. A rabbit sitting on the verge of the road,
didn’t move at all as I rode past it, then shot off into the undergrowth
as a car passed on the other side of the road, I was about 2 ft away form
it at the time.

Tow path report- the big hole at Sherfield bottom has been fixed and the
towpath is no longer 8 inches wide.


British Unicycle Convention #9 April 19-21 2002
Unicycle Hockey, Games, Muni rides, Quidditch and Barn dance
Harry Cheshire High School, Habberley rd, Kidderminster