Kayak questions

Ok, so i have been canoeing for a while and am getting quite proficient at it, (I have done class 2/2.5 rapids in a canoe). But for the past two years i have wanted to get into kayaking. I would like something that can carry (bare bones) equipment for one person on trips of 2-4 days. I woud also want to be able to play in rough water with it, no waterfalls or surfing, but something that can take me downstream in stuff up to class 3. My budget is up to $600 CAD for the boat itself. If anyone can point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.:smiley:

I doubt you would be able to get a light composite (Graphite, kevlar, carbon fiber) for that unless you could find something used.

I would go with fiberglass. It is lighter than plastic. It is easier to damge, but it is also easier to repair.

I should say that I havent kayaked since my first kid was born 12 years ago. So things could have changed a lot.

I plan on going plastic, cuz it will be used mainly in a river.

any other help?

I open canoe 2.5-3.5 rivers. The main draw back of an open canoe is that it can flood real easy after a big wave/ledge. We have strapped down these sacks, full of air. We have just enough room to put a container with our supplies and ourselves. The rest is air. I have done some sizable ledges and dove in with the tip. We came out fine, and the swamped canoe was still easily manageable to get to shore.

These sacks would be a cheaper alternative to kayaking.
I have never tried kayaking, but I have tried a one man canoe. Before you go out and do hardcore runs, you should get some training.

What rivers have you done?

stick with canoes. i have a solo (one man) canoe and it works great. For bigger rapids a kayak may work better but Danni’s idea (see above) sounds good.

I have used my outdoor ed teachers solo, it is fun, but i would really like to kayak. I am going to get lessons in the next school year. hardcore runs? not so much, mostly long distance camping type stuff. I have used canoes with bouyency strapped in, it helps a lot, but then you have no room for gear.
I have done the N. saskatchewan from upstream of Nordegg to Edmonton on several trips. I realise that this is a really tame river, but i plan on expanding, and going to different places as well.

Stay out of canoes and other boats. Water is very dangerous. WE cannot breathe in it, and for some reason these boats unpredictably toss us into the water.

A word to the wise…

Kayaking’s awesome, for what you’re wanting to do you probably want some sort of creek boat, they have more bouyancy for the bigger water they’re used to paddle so you could use this space to store gear. They’re made for the roughest stuff so are big bouyant and strong, but also good for grade 2-3 stuff. Bliss Stick is a New Zealand company that make awesome kayaks, I paddle a RAD175, which is a play boat, but I can do grade 3 in that, and use it for surfing and stuff. They have a dealer in Canada (http://www.bliss-stick.co.nz/default.aspx?pageid=115), you’d probably want something like a SCUD, Mystic or Huka. These are a bit more than you’re price limit new so I would try find a second hand boat. I got mine about 3rd hand, so it was only $400 NZ but still completley usable. I wouldnt buy a new kayak ever pretty much. Dagger RPM’s are also really really good boats, room to store stuff and can handle 2-3 easy, better for overall stuff than a creek boat probably.
Hope this helped?

Edit: SCUDs probably too small, I think you’re probably best trying to find something like the Dagger RPM (http://www.dagger.com/product.asp?BoatType=WWKayak&BoatID=183) actually, a boat like that would be a bit better for storing gear and general paddling, they’re great all-round boats, I started paddling in one before I bought my own boat.

I tried out the dagger RPM the other day. It was a lot of fun! it responded beautifully, and was great to play around in. The problem is that whitewater boats don’t track nearly as well as what i need. I also used a light touring boat that day and the speed suprised me, i will be getting a boat similar to that. Eventualy, i would like to get a creek boat, but that does not match my needs right now.