just wondering...

Hello. I was wondering how to get a digital photo of me gliding on to a tread so I can show you guys. Any help will be appreaciated.

                                                                Tank you,
                                                                            Ray Edward

Posting photos

At the bottom of the posting screen is a line to “attach file”.

Click “Browse” then select the file from your hard drive.

When you click on “Submit” the file will be uploaded and the digital photo will appear at the end of you post.

Note: PREVIEW REPLY will only preview your text, not the attachment.

Be carefull with the size of your photo in term of pixels and file size, if its a very large file you may want to reduce it before posting.

Another way is to post to a gallery and link to the gallery.

There are ways to use the vB code but I haven’t figured that one out yet, maybe someone can enlighten both of us. Also, see the FAQ button above.

Good Luck,

If you have the image in a gallery you can include it in a post without having to re-upload it using the IMG tags.

Find the address of the image; it’ll be “http:// www.unicyclist.com /gallery/albums/albun87/aaa.jpg” or something; make sure it goes to the picture itself, not just the page!

Click the “IMG” button and put the link in there, or type it in thusly: [ IMG ] http://www.uniblahblahblah/aaa.jpg [ /IMG ].

And that should work…

Phil, just me

I think I got iT!

got it

I think I got iT!

got it

I think I got iT!

Sorry about the SIZE!!!

Nice shot, Ray. I like the green grass with a few autumn leaves on it. Nice setting. There are red marks all over your legs. I wonder where those came from.

i dig that faraway look of intense concentration on your face
it’s also kewl to c the face behind the posts