Heya I moved to Ireland in Sept and i don’t know any unicyclists here so i was just wondering… dublin, anyone? (well actually i’m from bray but ya whatever:))
Heya I moved to Ireland in Sept and i don’t know any unicyclists here so i was just wondering… dublin, anyone? (well actually i’m from bray but ya whatever:))
I wonder why there’s so huge disproportion on the uni-map when you compare UK and Ireland… I can’t believe that there’s almost nobody unicycling here!
I’m currently in Cork, so if you plan a trip someday - PM me, I’d gladly meet you
isint net_hippy from Ireland?
hey i am doing a semester in europe this summer, and plan on spending some time in ireland, if you have an extra unicycle i would love to meet up, and take a ride!
…i hope a find some people on the forums form austria so i can unicycle when I am overseas 6 weeks with no unicycle would kill me!!!
I think i am currently the only one on the forums.
There used to be one from Lurgan 2 years back i think but he has since given up the sport.
Shame you didn’t post a week eariler. I had posted a comment about DJC. Which was held over the weekend. There were a couple of us there. I told them about the site so heres hoping they sign up.
You should try both trinity juggling club and DCU as they were all from there.
I think they also meet up in Merrion square in Dublin during the week (maybe its only during the summer)
Emerald circus live and Street performance championships are on in June (i think the weekend of the 20th) so there will be a crowd of us at that.
We were discussing trying to set up a unicycling basketball team or the like. (Well i live armagh (2hrs away) so im counted out) so i im sure they would like more unicyclists to join.
If you need more information, im sure they can help you over at www.emeraldcircus.com
Best bets are the juggling clubs where im sure you will find at least someone.
Those i spoke to knew how to ride and idel and one could do a few small tricks. Some had also unicyled the Dublin Marathon unless im mistaken and i also spoke to one who was thinking about the lenght of Ireland.
Any more info needed, post here or PM me or of course, emeraldcircus.
Nope, Scotland.
Oh, and camrocl, I have a friend from Armagh. His name is Declan Glasgow, do you know him? He used to work in that small cinema before it closed.
I went to visit him there a couple of summers ago.
I asked around, and everyone said, “no”… so that’d be my answer.
I know the cinema, but i dont know the name. I might know his face but.
If your talking to him you may ask if hes seen anyone on a unicycle around the mall. That would be me… small world
I just gave him a cheeky text and he said he has seen you around the mall. In fact, his exact words were: “He can unicycle the shit out of that place!”
So there ya go!
Anyway, sorry about the threadjack.
It does seem like there aint too many unicyclists in Ireland. I don’t think I’ll be there any time soon but if I am we should meet up and have a ride. That counts for anyone in Ireland!
sure PM me any time if your headen over. I only live a 10min drive from armagh city so twud be no hassle.
well im from dublin, clontarf.
iv only been goin about half a year and im alright but i dont know of many people around here. i have seen a couple at stevens green preforming and i saw one lock to a pole on henrys st. but that seems to be it…
Myself and my son are keen learners - he’s pretty good and I reckon I’m the oldest unicyclist in ireland. Where does anyone meet up?
Maybe we can link up at the weekend basketball festival in Dublin where we are based.
It’s Dakoroman!
He’s back/returned/reappeared!
oh i haven’t checked this site in ages! well, i’d still be up for … anything really, unicycle basketball spounds like a laugh, i only tried it a few times when the lads brought basketballs to our unicycle hockey trainings to try sth new. i’m going to go back to germany for summer in less than a month, but i’ve good news: i’m driving home this time so when i’m back in september i can bring my unicycle over. yey! so i’ll post again then! would be deadly to find a few unicyclists over here!
Omg!! Hi!!! I’m in bray!!! In Ireland!!! And I’m a unicyclist!! I would love to meet you!!! What part of bray are you in??? I’m very close to the town! Just up towards the top of the town!!! Yay finally someone!!!
Before you wear out the exclamation point on your keyboard, do note the date of the post… it’s almost three years old now.