k I have an Idea next time that happens kick their ass or give the the bird oh wait thats what I do lol I say you tell the guy that he is the weird on by following the same crowed as everyone and not being himself and being different and leave it a at that
I think it’s cool that so many people don’t ride. It makes the few of us whio ride special.
I turned off the avatars because some of the active ones were messing-up the screen.
Thanks for changing your avatar dogbowl.
When people laugh at unicycling like that I normaly show them then they think its cool. They start to think its big like skateboarding and it the new in thing. Never has anything that outragouse happend to me. I hope that was some sort of isolated insident.
That sig line is great! I acually do that sometimes too.
Tell me if I’m wrong. I get the impression that you are relatively young (picture in your avatar is not conclusive on this), and the couple you met were at least several years older than you. Thus they represent a different time period of growing upone without many unicyclesand different tastes. And they have some supposed superiority over you as being ‘wiser and more experienced’ by being older.
Not that I’m making excuses for their rude behavior. To start of with surprise and a laugh is fine. Unicycles are still pretty ridiculous. But to not listen and even pretend to respect another person’s hobby/recreation/source of joy is just rude.
I have an uncle like that. My wife’s uncle. I don’t know if he has ever seen any videos or even me doing any fancy riding. But He always asks me how my crotch is, or how’s the unicycling, on the rare occasions we see him. I don’t know if he thinks of me as anything other than Jacquie’s unicycling husband. He probably doesn’t know what I do for a living.
If the time and situation are right, I think the best thing for people like this is to show them some cool pictures or a video. A commercial video like Universe 2 or Into the Thunder Dragon is best, because it automatically has legetimacy by being commercial. Then they can choose to like or not like what they see.
I don’t consider it my responsibility to make anyone like unicycling. But I will give them the opportunity, at least, to be a little bit educated about what it is, and what it isn’t. Then they can think it’s cool or not.