just thought i'd share this

I just rode up to speedway (gas station) to pick up a cappuccino, and may i add it is five degrees ferenheight outside, so im riding back to my house and this guy in a u.p.s. truck pulls out from behind a building blocking the sidewalk and he backs up and signals me to go, so i ride down the street a ways and he pulls up beside me real slow, pulls out a camera phone and takes a picture of me…
i love that kinda stuff:)

Someone did that to me once, not in a UPS truck though, and it was summer.
It’s sorta weird too.

Because seeing a unicyclist is a much rarer occurence in most people’s lives? The whole point of photos is to remeber things that don’t happen that often, seems perfectly logical.

people always say hi to me, even if they’re driving (teenagers always yell stuff at me). they thinks its pretty cool that i ride. Now all i got 2 do is find that uni club in pensecola!!!

one time some hairy guy looked at me weird and thrn said “oh the circus must be in town” and i replied back “yea you must be the bearded lady faggot!” i dont like hearing circus comments, and as for pictures, im always letting them know there number1! ( )
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my middle hand and flicking people off got jumbled up. gay.

ya once me and my friends were just unicycling in town and this guy was like a photographer and he keep taking pictures of us as were were just riding around

I knid of like the attention. I was out Sunday (about 15 degrees F) in front of our high school. They have a great grassy hill that I was practicing my limited muni skills on, and a guy in a rental trck pulled over and watched me for about 10 minutes. He then blew the horn and gave me the “thumbs-up” before driving away.

On the way home, a guy with 3 kids in the car drove past, slowed down, and then pulled over. When I rode past, he and the kids rolled the windows down and were asking me questions while he drove along side me. It’s neat to see the expressions on the kids faces, and to talk to them about unicycling.

yeah like they think you tried to ride it (but you couldnt) and you fell and got hurt…pffff next time that happens you should stand up to a 360 unispin…and then sit right back down and say nothing

I’ve noticed a bit of a cultural difference. (Of course, generalities do not apply to everyone… )

Unicyclers seem to be more laid back and easy going… Enjoying the ride. They have no problems stopping in at a minimart and buying a slurpy to enjoy while taking a break.

Bicyclers seem to be focused on riding this route. Finishing in that time. For a bicycler, if someone stops, its cuz they have a cramp, or they wrecked, or they got a flat. Not cuz they are kicking back and enjoying the afternoon.

Also, for a biker, if yer tired, you just slow down and use an easier gear… or coast more… Unicyclers get to… um… stop and rest… :wink:


Glide down a hill?

yesterday i was riding around town and had a van full of kids obvioulsy go out of their way to drive beside me and bang on their windows and a couple of weeks ago i was riding home from down town and at the top of the hill i stoped to rest. 2 out of three cars stoped to see if i was OK. i was sitting on the unicycle on the snow so i doubt either of them saw it. I think its good to know that people are willing to help strangers. ( i would stop to if i saw someone sitting on the side of the road oin winter)

Well, if it were me, I would glide for maybe a foot or 3, fall, and roll the rest of the way down… :wink: :slight_smile:

Ridding in the snow was great! :smiley: