just scored the front page of the newspaper.

now that is as smooooth as butter. Why didn’t I think of that one?

Congratulations! Way to go!

You’ll get the girl… you just need a bit more self-confidence. koebwil believes in you, I believe in you… now you just gotta believe in yourself a little more.

Chicks are generally attracted to self-confidence and turned-off by guys that display insecurities… it’s a biological thing probably: a self-confident hunter was probably a lot more likely to bring home some meat than a timid or self-doubting hunter.

You already have the confidence to master difficult tricks like unispins… now just show that same kind of confidence around the girl you like and she’s yours!!!

Welcome to the front page newspaper article gang! You seem to have it set- a chick that digs your unicycling. All my ex’s kinda got pissed cos i spent more time riding my uni than…seeing them.

Congratulations man. Could be your shot at fame. Good luck with the girl.

Also use the word baby a lot. Chicks find it hilarious. Especially from little white dudes like us.

Congrats on the front page! Will it include and interview? Post it when it comes out! Now we BOTH have news coverage…which is really GOOD for the sport!:slight_smile:
We ALL need to get the word out. Next: National TV Exposure!

no no let’s not get the word out. unicycling can be everyone’s dirty little secret.

Nice going Chosen. Can’t wait to see the article.

Well done! But remember the front page is generally for news so don’t be too disappointed if you move down the pages if something big hits town.
And I hope you charged a fee for the pic too! :sunglasses: If not asked the photographer for a free print - then give that to the young lady… more impressive than calling her “chick” or “babe”… young ladies aren’t always impressed with that sorta derogatory type way of being addressed.

You’ve evidently never been to Macclesfield. The town where 2 Smirnoff Ice and a kebab on the walk home is considered romantic.

Nice one on the article Chosen, looking forward to seeing it.

I didn’t say “babe” I said baby. I don’t mean it in a derogatory way, just as a way to talk on occasion because it’s funny. If a girl takes offense to me calling her baby she clearly isn’t my kind of girl.

ahh, come on chosen…you’ll be fine…

  1. you unicycle
  2. you were on the front page of the paper
  3. you unicycle

Possibly says more about the state of the female sex in Macclesfield than anything else… :p.

Nice one Chosen, publicity is always good!


fo sho’. im hopin for no terrorists attacks today. :slight_smile: but this gay kid landed the front page a few months back for being the only male dancer on my schools dance team-"the indianettes. so if something does go wrong, and im not on the front page, ill feel like wow…that was cooler? lol

cant argue with that:p :roll_eyes: :wink: :slight_smile:

I take it the Smirnoff Storm would be considered brash?

Do you also have those wonderfull Smirnoff ads with Juri and Gur?

I’m going to be in my Campus newspaper. I’m going to hit on so many chicks it will be legendary.

While working on a radio station in Nelspruit, I was going to have a tattoo done live on air and since our studios were in the offices of the local newspaper, I got one of the journo’s to do a short bit about it. It was a weekly paper and the piece about my tattoo was to be published on the friday morning and I’d have the tattoo done at about 11, so it would be great publicity for kicking up the listenership figures.
He took a pic of me sitting in a chair behind the desk, apparantly naked and holding a station T-shirt strategically in front of me. I’m also screaming my head off.
Thursday mid-afternoon he calls me to tell me that they don’t have anything big to go on the frontpage and that I’m going to be it. I’m smiling.
Later Thursday afternoon a bus carrying 50-odd British tourists plunges down the side of the Long Tom Pass.
I made page three.

The following week.

I also made the Minneapolis paper tomorrow. This time it has nothing to do with unicycling

Link (Church-related article)

I got front page once it was cool Congrats:)

We were in the paper too :smiley:

I was on the second page of the local paper a while ago with a couple of mates… on unicycles of course. i’ll upload it in a moment
