Just got started today


I just got started unicycling today. I have a Club 20" Freestyle, assembled it this afternoon and tried gettng on and balancing next to a fence. Didn’t do too bad, as I was able to move three revolutions forward without holding on to anything.

I’ve been reading this forums for a while, and got tips on how to learn , and what size cycle and bike to purchase first, so now its just a matter of practicing !

See you guys around !

It’s too late, you’re one of us now!

Congrats on getting started, Batou. I’ll be looking forward to more good reports.

I don’t ride uni’s. My kids do. My son has learned, and taught 3 of his siblings to ride. And, now it looks like a neighbor’s kid is going to learn too. It’s contagious!

“bought this bike on the installment plan… one wheel at a time”


Welcome Batou…the fun and frustration starts here.
You sound like you may be a bit of a natural. If your already overcoming the fear you’ve taken the biggest step.
Keep us updated on your progress…