just got it ordered finally!

After almost winning a VW Bug off of Ebay, I decided I would use the money to buy a Coker, which is what I did. The Radial Deluxe is on its way here. I can’t wait to get it and start riding. This will make Uni #4 that I have.

…now someone told me there’d be punch and pie in this club, can you point me to the table??

Whew, that was close, I’m a big fan of VW’s, but a coker is much better in my opinion.

Bring it with you the next time you come to Memphis. Tommy and Tom are always looking for someone to Coker with.

Jheezee, there must be something in the air making everyone buy cokers!!

i just ordered mine and the UDC guy said it should get here friday.

verrryyy exciting.

When I ever get money I’m getting a 36er for sure.

You know I will, if I can find a space big enough in my trunk to fit the wheel. But yeah, i’m definitely adding it to my ‘must have’ stuff for travel.

As you would. :smiley: :smiley:

The punch and pie ran out, sorry mate. Glad to hear about your new cycle though :slight_smile:

Eh, kinda figured the punch and pie would be gone.

Sad thing is, my 36er probably has as much power as the VW, so I’m just as good either way!

actually there is still hope…I know a 36" has serious punch and I heard something about the 36er and Pi

</bad pun>

My nimbus deluxe is supposed to be shipped on Tuesday. Can’t wait for it to get here!


Everybody has on cecpt me aww shucks.

Same here. I’m hoping to have it by the weekend so I can do some Cokering around town. Then I should have a good reason to have people stare at me, by having something big between my legs.

haha, i think everyones new 36ers are getting shipped tuesday :smiley: