Just caught another one! (Video)

Here’s a short youtube clip of the King snake I caught today, while riding my usual muni trail! It’s the SECOND king snake I’ve caught in the past few weeks, and just last week, I caught a 5 foot gopher snake! I let that one go in a few minutes, releasing him far from the trail so he wouldn’t get killed or run over.

I’m returning both king snakes back to where I found them tomorrow; in the meantime they’re getting treated to some fat yummy mice! (I let the pet store fed them 'cause i don’t like to watch the mice die. :astonished: )

Sweet. I’m not one to pick up any snake that I come across lol.

Are we talking about certain women, haha! Well, I have many years of experience with reptiles and know which ones are poisonous. Kings are quite docile and make very good pets.

penis joke

I’ve caught a few corn snakes (red rat snakes) and ring-necked snakes. I’m not a big fan of them, but they don’t really bother me. I’ve never caught anything even that big (3.5’)! I don’t usually catch snakes that cross my path, but maybe once in every hundred or so I will. We have more black racers than anything else, and they are pretty hostile.

last year my friend and i caught a garter snake over 5 feet long it was huge

I used to catch garter snakes all the time in my backyard before we moved. I caught one this summer and saved it from being killed by my friend who was going to get a shovel to kill it.