
Hello, lately I’ve been doing a little bit of bunny hopping and would like to do bigger and better jumps. I would like any tips you might have. I would also like to know your highest jumps (please tell me what unicycle you have).

Just practice. And try to minimise the set-up hops. Do little still-stands. Also, SIF(Seat In Front) allows for higher hops. And try the search feature, that helps. Also, this is Just Conversation forum.

My record is 54cm. Not too high. I ride a 24" qu-ax.

That’s good you could def get higher on a trials (as if you don’t know). Anyways just practice practice practice! My record is like 50-60cm, but those heights are rare for me I can get like 15" pretty consistently anymore.

Post all unicycle-related threads in RSU, instead of JC…you’ll get more and better replies.

How about you just stop sucking, Hitler?

How about you stop being a childish prick? Oh yeah and we all start somewhere no one magically gets good…Also where did the Hitler remark come from really not relevant to anything…

point taken.

Wrong forum…

Jump SIF (Seat in Front) its a lot easier to jump high, and your inner thighs will thank you for it.

let the thread die, lifes better that way