Thanks for all your guy’s help on my last questions. The answers were more than helpful.
I was looking for tips on jumping and hopping. I’m on a 20’ and I can’t seem to get any height out of my jumps. I’ve inflated the tire well enough but I can’t get the motion to jump any higher than one stair at a time. On top of this, I was wondering how you get any distance out of your jumps. I suppose you must be moving in order to get max distance, but is there something I’m just not getting?
Thanks in advance.
Re: Jumping tips
Enough practice?
It really is WYSIWYG (what u see is what u get), watch some uni vids and practice and if that doesn’t work, you’re not practicing enough.
Except, what does “inflate the tyre well enough” mean? You want it to be a bit soft and bouncy for hopping.