Today I was thinking about the annual July 4th parade that we’re gonna see in Zelienople (small town in Pennsylvania…). The parade goes right by the house, and I was thinking of riding a small way in it.
Does anyone else regularly ride in parades?
Today I was thinking about the annual July 4th parade that we’re gonna see in Zelienople (small town in Pennsylvania…). The parade goes right by the house, and I was thinking of riding a small way in it.
Does anyone else regularly ride in parades?
I was hoping to get both my kids riding weell enough to ride in our July 4th parade just for fun. I know of a few different groups that put floats in the parade that would have let us ride with them.
We ran out of time this year… but next year for sure
Word of advice for riding in parades… try not to ride behind any horse groups
Me and my brother and KrazyJeff and some other Jimmi D’s are going to ride in the National independence day parade in DC.
Everyone will be on girraffes.
either that or don’t ride a coker. then you can swerve quickly.
Yeah, I’ve only got a 20 inch to ride on
in my city there’s a parade where kids ride there bikes and I’m thinking I might get one of my friends who unicycles to join in even though we might be a bit old to be riding:p
This is a family forum.
Thanks for referring to this holiday as Independence Day. The 4th of July cheapens it somewhat.
One would think.
I’ve ridden in the Freeport town parade pnce, but my family actualy hosts a bike parade at our house. Ive recently mmoved frome bikes to unis. I built a giraffe for it last year. If anyone in the area wants to come just drop me a PM and I’ll fill you in.
P.S. sorry fot the threadjack.
you’re my hero harper.
That’s someone’s sig…or was at some point…
Anyway…sadly, there wasn’t enough room in the van for my uni (but I was still able to bring my guitar/amp).
However, while walking to get a pizza last night with my dad (Zelienople’s a small town), we passed a bike shop that was across the street. Lo, and behold, there’s a unicycle in the window. On the way back from the pizza place, I run across the street and check it out. It’s a Sun 20" unicycle. So I think “Hmm, I wonder if I could rent it or something for the 4th?”.
This morning, I get up, and at about 10 30, I ride a b*ke down there (I was lazy today), and it was closed. I Notice his hours are 11-5, so I’m thinking I’ll come back later. Then, I see a sign in the window saying that they’re closed from July 3rd-July 7th. My grandpa knows the guy, and says that today (the third) is his anniversary.
So, after a brief bit of hope that I’ll get to ride in the parade, I find out I have no uni access.
Well, my Independence Day started me off in kind of a bad mood.
It’s kind of a starting tradition for me to play the Star Spangled Banner realllllly loud on my guitar on the 4th (meaning I did it last year, and I wanna keep doing it).
This year, I wanted to do it right before the parade started. However, my aunt had no 3 pronged extension cords, so I had no access to power for my amp. So that pretty much sucked. And then, during the parade, there was a group of about 5 unicyclists…so that was just kinda…-bleh-
But then, later in the day, me and my dad were being pyros, and there were fireworks. So it got better.
How was everyone else’s 4th of July?
at work: for us “the” day is on 14th of July
what is it with you guys and fireworks/parades?
australia day is just have a bbq watch the cricket. we have plenty of fun
We didn’t have a parade, but we sang The Star-Spangled Banner during a break in our 3 on 3 soccer game.
I hope you guys got fewer wierd looks than we did.
were mor civilized-er tahn u