This is a thread where you can post anything that has to do with juggling. Talk about the latest gossip in the juggling world, latest products…Anything related to juggling. Have fun!
I can juggle 3 balls, 3 rings, dilibo, devil stick alright and sometimes 3 clubs.
I have tried to learn, but I give up because I really see no incentive. Its not like unicycling where you can really get outside, progress, etc. I am a pretty good yoyoer and am decent at diabolo.
Yeah I unicycle and juggle. I enjoy both. But (this is off subject) I hate contact jugglers, I don’t believe that is a form of juggling. I don’t think it should be in the juggling genre. Thats just as much related to juggling as gas stations are related to chairs (not at all)
juggling is maneuvering objects around your body. standard juggling, diabolo, devil sticks, yo yos, hacky sack, card manipulation, AND contact juggling alllll fall into the category of juggling.
oh, and about juggling… I juggle. I like to juggle, but I suck, because I have no one to juggle with really. I can do three balls and four balls, and a small assortment of three ball tricks. and I’m working on solving a Rubiks Cube in one hand while juggling two balls in the other.
If anyone cared…
5 balls{proficient with cascade,working on half shower}
4 balls{working on shower}
3 balls{can do many tricks}
2 balls
3 clubs (working on 4){Can do many tricks}
3 rings (workiing on 4)
Devil Sticks
Yup I juggle on and off. Prefer clubs, working on learning four. I like rings, can do four and am hoping to find someone who would like to get into passing with rings…cause it just looks so beautiful.
Have done some yo-yoing and diabolo in the past. Enjoyed spin tops for a while too. Sheesh, so many things to toss about and spin, so little time!
I like doing:
Three ball tricks
Three club tricks
Five ball tricks and standard juggling.
Six balls (50 catches is my best)
Seven balls (27 catches is my best)
Eight balls (Flashed a few times)
Diabolo tricks
Juggling is great, but unicycling motivates me a lot more.
spoken like one who just never managed to crack ‘The Lotus Flower’…
MUCH respect
Can juggle 3 balls or 3 clubs pretty proficiently. Know lots of tricks/patterns w/ 3 balls. I’d really like to learn how to do 4 or even 5 balls but just can’t seem to get my mind around the pattern for doing this. Are there any good videos out there that might be helpful?
The Haggis McLeod video is good and can be gotten at just about any juggling equipment vendor like Dube, etc.
The Internet Juggling DB maintains a JuggleWiki with explanations and animations of a large number of patterns. See Juggling Pattern Library. The naming convention just requires a bit of exploration. For example for 4 balls the Fountain is not simply called the Fountain, but the FourBallFountain, so you need to know to look for that.
I can juggle two.
THEWJF is currently on ESPN, right now the one man 6 ball category is up.
Yeah I have seen that before, I wonder why Anthony Gatto didn’t compete in it. Also Vova and Olga Galchincko are really incredible.
If they can have juggling on ESPN2 they couldn’t definetly have some sort of unicycle competition (unicycling should be in the Xgames)
thats me juggling 5
Kris Holm has been on ESPN several times, the last UNICON was on ESPN, and a Bedford demo was on ESPN.
Damn I have missed on that…how about the XGames anyone think unicycling should be an XGame sport??? I sure do…if not unicycling then definetely chess.
I have always though unicycling in some form should be in both the Olympics and the XGames.
Olympics has tramploineing, so why not unicycling?
Yeah really, they could do a mix between trials, MUni, and riding with your eyes shut!
You gave up on juggling three balls? It’s much easier than learning to ride a unicycle. This is very easy to prove.
Interestingly, most jugglers say the same thing about riding a unicycle. You need more space, you generally have to be outdoors (unless you have a gym), etc.
BTW, there is nothing wrong with not being interested in juggling. I used to be a lot more interested. Now when I go to juggling conventions, I almost try to not juggle the whole time I’m there…
You are a snob. You are confusing toss juggling with juggling. Contact juggling is not toss juggling. Happy? Even the IJA, which is a very recent development in the world of juggling, does not have such a narrow view. You may never have seen a good contact juggler, such as Michael Moschen. But either way, it’s still a form of juggling.
Some unicyclists think certain types of unicycling aren’t good enough for other types. Like Freestylers not appreciating hockey players because they don’t know how to do any tricks. Too bad, they are all unicyclists.
Or should I use bicyclists, who don’t think of us as cyclists. Too bad, we are.