Juggling Question

How long should it take me to do a 3 ball cascade with about 30 touches?

Depends on how stupid or bright you are.

lol that is tru haha.

Took me about a day to get 30+ catches with 3 balls. I learned with scarves though.

Now I can do clubs. Once you learn balls, then get rings, then go on to clubs, then learn 5 ball, 5 ring, 5 club, etc.

Haha, the jump from 3 to 5 is quite a hard one :wink:
I’d suggest learning 3ball-triks first, then some 4ball-juggling before beginning to practice on 5.

How long it takes depends on how, how often and how long you practice. :wink:

I first read that as 30 TORCHES and my first thought was ‘…quite a while…’.

It took me several weeks, practicing every day. I guess I’m not very bright. :frowning:

If you learn from a book or other non-moving source, it’ll take quite a while. I learned from a book. It took quite a while. If someone who’s good at teaching juggling works with you, you’ll probably get three catches within fifteen minutes. For the other 27 catches, if you want to do them without running all over the place, give yourself at least another few hours.

Yes, fifteen minutes. I used to teach juggling for a living (with the National Circus Project).

Yes I learned from a book and it took me a few weeks.

I have recently taught someone to juggle in 20 mins. (Well, I guided his learning, rather than taught him).

well i learnt from a youtube video and can do 10 touches within about 1 hour. So i guess thats pretty good then. Well weekend is coming up so i got a lot of time to practise, so ill be doing 30 touches within a couple of days.

WTF is a touch?

like how many times the ball touches your hand.

not really i learnt to consistantll juggle(albeit with some drops) in about 2-3 days from a book

Jugglers normally talk in terms of CATCHES, rather than TOUCHES.

To help get you those other 27 catches without running all over the place it helps to juggle while facing a wall.
Stand about knuckle-distance away and juggle without your balls touching the wall.
They will occasionally, but you’ll get better at controlling the pattern.

Also remember to keep your hands down.
Allow the balls to drop down into your hands, don’t reach up to catch them at shoulder level.
Doing that reduces the time you have to make the throw and places unnecesary pressure on your pattern.

Yeah it took me forever to get 30 good ones. Then again I was learning off what i saw on a t.v. show at 1am a couple days earlier =p. Seriously it should not take that ong within the week if you practice enough. I have taught 3 of my friends and they can all do 4. Nobody wanted to learn 5 except me ha… One thing with juggling try to get “oh I could never do that” out of your head this time last year I could barely do three now I have just learned 5, and am working on 4b mills. So yeah keep up the good work your already learning faster than me!

Every time I see “Touches” I think you’re saying “Torches” haha.