Juggling is lots of fun!

I can Juggle but not yet on my Unicycle. Keep at it Andrew and you will get there. Goodluck.


Mills mess is a juggling pattern with the arms crossing over each other repeatedly.

This page has some very nice videos. Check out the one labeled, “423 initié par dessus”. It begins and ends as a standard 3 ball mills mess.

The 3 ball mills mess is very difficult (for most people) to learn but once you figure out what’s going on you wonder what all the fuss was about. Mills mess with higher numbers, I believe (since I can’t do them), is a struggle even after you’ve figured it out.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ


That skill progression would be good to see.

I haven’t made any breakthrough yet at basic juggling proficiency, but I would like to. The uni/juggling connection does seem like a natural match.

Me too.

I can juggle reasonably. I can ride forward. I can do both at once. I think I need to work on idling so that I don’t have to ride away from my audience constantly.:smiley:



Grey, Mandell: If you’re interested in the Juggling/Riding sequence, just send me your email address.

I’d like more feedback on the draft I have. I think it’s good, but it isn’t final yet so I’d rather not post it.

I sent it to Andrew, asking him for his comments.

Just send me an email: cettermclean at hotmail dot com.

It would be great to get some additional riders to look at it and let me know what they think.



I tried it out and noticed I can still do the mills mess. Atleast I think it was the mills mess. It just feels somewhat clumsy and I really don’t know what’s going on while doing it.

JJuggle, good video.

I really enjoyed it too. Thanks for the link. I had forgotten how good it can look when done smoothly.

Well there really is something wrong with my mill’s mess. It seems that when I cross my hands I throw the ball with my underside arm. Any recommendations for other good videos so I could figure out what’s wrong? Or any ideas on what I’m doing wrong.


Not sure which video you’re watching to make this evaluation. In the standard, unadorned 3 ball mills mess the arm that crosses under and across (what I think you’re calling the “underside arm”) will always make a throw more or less straight up* which is caught on the same side by the arm that is on top which will then cross to the otherside and under (the arm is was just over) and make the same throw on that side. This ball essentially describes a “U” on the outside of the pattern. So, that you throw one ball with your “underside arm”, if I’m interpreting your description correctly, should not be a problem.

This is all particularly difficult to discuss. Go to a juggling club. :slight_smile:

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

  • Expert mills messers say that even this outside ball should be thrown towards the middle of the pattern, not straight up.

I can’t seem to find any clubs around here. Except for that (really expensive) circus school.

Here’s a page with some good videos Including shocking footage of Anthony Gatto FAILING!!! I can’t believe it.

And I might be a expert juggler. I tend to throw the balls towards the middle for some reason. Maybe it’s just a mistake that makes it even harder.

This pretty much shows how to do it. Ville teaching Mills Mess, and other similar stuff. Go Peapot go! Seems relatively easy but it isn’t. You’re hands get a bit tired (noticed that I can’t juggle for too long without my hands getting a bit tired.

Im a juggler guys! I CAN DO MILLS MESS on the uni :smiley:

Ive explained a lot of times how to do mills mess, but never with internet!
I try to give you some advices:

  • every balls throwed by the left hand is catched with the right and viceversa.

-Its quite complex (only to comprehend, not to do), its better to separate the trick in some little movements and then link them.

-you start with the right arm crossed over the left.
Two balls in the right and one in the left.

-Every throw goes to the right. Throw the first with the right hand,
then uncross the arms and throw the second with the left (arm uncrossed).

You cross again with the right under the left
take the first ball with the left hand moving over the right

throw the third ball with the right arm under the left to the right(as Jjuggle said, at the beginning you will throw this ball vertical, after practicing it-s best if you throw to the right)

If you have finished with left arm over the right, with two balls in the left hand and one in the right, you`ve done it!
(You can use two balls of the same color and one different)

This is the first part. Now start again to the left. When youve learned from left to right and from right to letf, youre ready to link the two movements, throwing back the first ball before catching the third. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


Ciao ciao

I CAN DO IT NOW!!! I just made about 25 catches.

:wink: joona!

What? I didn’t mean on an unicycle or anything but now I can do about 20 throws and keep it together. Add 20 throws more and it only looks like a mess with the balls going just about anywhere. Videos really help you a lot. I’m addicted to it again.

Can someone else do that Eric’s extension thing on peapots page? Are Ville’s hands somehow special (in other ways except that they seem to be extremely long) or is it just practice practice practice? I can’t even get my hands like that. Looks really strange.

Neither do I! 25 throws are good! At the beginning it’s just a mess, after some practice (more than one or two weeks) it will become the Mill’s mess! Just practice, trying to throw ALL the balls (also the third) to the right and then all to the left… When you’ll be good, it seems that they’re like a snake going here and there…
Eric extension is possible only if you have long and thin arms (I presume! I cannot do it).
Ciao Ciao

Today I made 34 catches with the balls pretty much following each others paths (like they probably should). After that it was just a stupid looking mess again. But I could keep it up for 86 catches.

My arms aren’t too thin either, and not too long. So probably impossible for me too. But it would be nice to do it.

I bought four rings today and I really like them. I wish I could do five or seven, it would look really nice. Rings always look better if done in big numbers.

i agree!

yikes! i can’t even do mil’s mess or juggle normally on my uni you’re very clever :sunglasses:

Juggling while riding around is pretty easy. Juggling while idling/stillstanding is a lot harder. At least I can’t do it yet. And I’ll have to practice in some nice and quiet place because I don’t want people to call me a clown, which they do eventually even if I’m just riding. Well, at least they don’t ask me if I’m a clown when I ride down stairs or do drops.