Juggling clubs.

I can juggle 6 clubs and pass in 2 peoples 9 clubs

i got 8 Henrys Piruets

I juggle balls really but practice now and again with clubs (for the wow factor of juggling with knives). Not very good with the clubs and can only do the basic three ball patterns. I find balls are much more tactile and relaxing.


Speaking of juggling knives and dangerous objects…I thought about ordering some torches. I look around and then find out my parents won’t let me get any. Ugh, well thats all for now.

I can juggle clubs 3 and 4 and working on 5
at the moment i only own three beard beach and three radical fish. i juggle mostly Renegades which are amazing and do mostly passing.
and nope you can’t have my clubs.


Haha, I wasn’t asking to take someone’s clubs, i was jsut seeing if anyone had some cheap ones for sale. :stuck_out_tongue:


I can do three clubs, working on four, and can pass clubs fairly well.

I have 4 85mm. renegade clubs with light blue decorations and white body.

Im really looking to fine someone to pass with. I think it would be loads of fun.


I have a set of Renegade clubs. I like them pretty well, but have been thinking of getting a set of Dube european clubs or maybe those PX3s. I can only do a few 3 club tricks, probably my best tricks are running “flats” and a 3 club flash. Sometimes I can even pull off triple spins with the flash. Trying really hard to learn behind the back throws, but so far nothing but failure. I can do 2 in one hand very well, right or left, and have been recently trying four clubs, and failing miserably.

My passing skills are limited, but improving quite rapidly.

I juggle three at the moment, only just started. I use Henrys Delphin.

well i live in uk but if u get fish they fly pretty well and if they didnt make it across the atlantic they could always swim eh eh nudge get it:p

Yeah, Lucas, I will have to work on my throws a little bit…right now I can only throw em as far as TO the ocean, not ACROSS it yet.


i juggle the brian dube european clubs. they are really nice look into those. www.dube.com

I juggle 3, but can’t seem to get 4 despite being super-solid on 4 balls. I’m more into passing than solo club juggling, but with the exception of last weekend at the Seattle Juggling Festival, I haven’t done either in months.

I prefer the ligher weight European clubs. I have a set of Todd Smith Satellite clubs, which are fast and very precise, and a set of Henry’s circus clubs, which are also very light and quite precise. In the attached picture, I have the glittery ones that are fourth from left, fifth from right. They’re righteous.

The only disadvantage I’ve found with the Satellites or Henry’s is that they’re lighter than the Dube clubs, which are much more popular at juggle fests. As a result, they can add imbalance into a group pattern of mostly heavier clubs. I get over it pretty quickly, but some I’ve met can be picky.


I made some newspaper cluds last night and ive got some good 40-50 throw runs

newspaper clubs? thats cool, do you have a pic?

Linkage to paper clubs. They are dead easy to make and they flip pretty nice to. I made a set 1 year ago when i was learning and theyre still working pretty well.

If you dont have money for normal clubs yet then these are a great substitute for the time being.


here you go:D:) yeah Im going to a flipside circus thingo(google “flipside circus” if you want to know more)and they have asked me to :a. bring my uni
& b.bring my juggling clubs W00T

Picture 34.jpg

here is the vid let me know what you think, it was on the spot and unediitted so dont be harsh lol



Nice video, you have some cool kick up mount variations. I can’t just roll it on my foot and kick it up lol.

You got any tips for the 4 ball shower?


I hvae a new PB 30 catches of my clubs w/ all of those catches on the handle
(my best catch record is forty but ½ of them wern’t on the handle