Juggling club (at school)

I’m thinking of starting a juggling club at my school. Do you think this is a good idea? I know a few kids in my grade who juggle, and probably would be interested in joining such a club.
Give me your thoughts, opinions, and advice.

i would join…muhahahahaha. and eat your garden up!

yea i think it is a good idea, i am starting a unicycle club at school! i taught 3 or 4 of my friends so far and i would join… if i could juggle

yeah I have a juggling club
we meet fortnightly under the sci-block(I hope they dont spill acid :roll_eyes: )
we have 10 members we call our selves the “juggling idiots” and so far we have two uni riders and 1 mills mess’er(me)

my advice try to get all of their names and to get them to meet in a centrall meeting area in you are organising meetings them just make sure you make them at least a week apart or else they become a chore and you dont really get to work on stuff