new balls are almost always bad
I started out with plain tennis balls, that was what the guy I learned from used. Then I met a better juggler, who used lacross balls, so I switched to them. Then I came up with penny balls, these were tennis balls with a small slit in them, to insert 16 pennies.
Now I was cooking with gas, working on 4 in one hand and performing a 6 ball shower. Still I had my doubts. Some of the better jugglers I knew were big fans of leather bean bags. Easier to catch was the story. The weighted tennis ball thing didn’t really catch on so much. My old buddy from San Fran Sunday juggling group (huge in golden gate park in the 80’s), adopted weighted tennis balls also, Tony Duncan, only he used dimes (said it was more useful to be stuck somewhere with dimes). I was very proud as I watched him set the new 7 ball record at the convention. Anthony was 7 years old or so then. 20 + seconds in the 7 ball competition was a big deal then.
I bought 9 really nice custom leather balls, and liked them. but they fell into gutters and also got saggier with age. I am not saying leather balls are crap, Sarafian could juggle 8 like superman, and he used off white saggy leather balls. I am just saying that I went back to weighted tennis balls myself, for several reasons. Most importantly, I switched to weighting them with air gun bb’s. I could always get a new set. They were optic yellow, always the exact same size, weight and feel.
Many times I found myself juggling under poor light, around thieving dogs, next to hungry gutters. I lost or gave away several hundred balls in the course of these adventures. Other jugglers would often not juggle with me, fearing the loss of their harder to replace ball. Yet practice is all that makes a ball worth holding to begin with. If you are afraid to lose the ball, and keep it in the bag, you pay the ultimate price, air time. No ball can be worth that.
I never quite gave up hope of finding a better ball. As Anthony rose to stardom, I bought a set of his balls, but they sucked for me. I kinda am of the opinion that for jugglers in general, or at least for me, change is bad.
I feel the same about shoes. I only wear Converse chuck high tops. New pair to go out on town, and slightly worn to juggle with. Just like the weighted tennis balls, it is not that they are better, just that I have learned what they are, and can buy an exact replacement anywhere. Different sucks for juggling. All change is bad. Different feels different and when hundreds of people are watching and I have to pull it off live… I want the old stuff that feels and works reliably the same as it did before.
So, in general, I dislike custom balls, no matter how well made and no matter what other jugglers have done with them. It gets real out there when you are not that other juggler, you must be you and pull it off.