hello are there any jugglers online?if so lets see who can juggle the most objects!hee hee! 5 balls.
I can only do four balls.
im working on 5 balls and 4 clubs at the moment.
i qualified 6 balls 5 rings 4 clubs
I’ve got 5 ball pretty solid and working on a 4 ball mills mess
i juggle 3 balls, and im working on clubs my stepdad is good at juggling sorta
Five and a half balls.
i can do 4 ball mills mess
I have qualified 6 balls, and I have flashed 7 and 8 balls, 12 catches with 7 balls and 8 catches with 8 balls.
I have qualified 5 rings(20 catches) and 5 clubs(10 catches)
I can pass 8 clunbs and have managed to get 9 started
and since this is a unicycle forum I can also ride a unicycle.