Juggler's Wrist?

is there any such thing? i was juggling loads yesturday (learning with rings) and my wrist really hurts today i can’t pull or push anything with that hand, bend my wrist and it hurts to do stuff like type anyone else got this?

I suppose there could be. I mean if you do anything too much you’ll be sore. Rings do require a little more flip of the wrist than balls. What I found when I was learning rings was that the skin between my thumbs and index fingers became raw and cut up. Just a heads-up to watch out for that, and if you drop a lot (assuming the rings are plastic) they will get scuffed up on the edge: take very light sandpaper and gently smoothe them down.

Good luck.

A good way to catch the rings (at least works for me) is to catch them only using your fingers. For some reason :roll_eyes: the skin on my palms and fingers is really hard so it doesn’t hurt at all to catch the rings. I usually use the area between the (counting from the tip of the finger) first and second joint. After you have catched the ring just squeeze it a little bit.

This might not be a good technique to catch the rings but I’ve never had any problems with the skin between thumb and index finger.

Lol i think it can be true like with everything that takes strain like handstands on the wrists.

I know someone thats great at handstands but have bad wrists because of it now

Heres a pic i took today of him
