The senate judiciary commitee has just begun their hearings on Alito, and now is the time to make your point-of-view known to your reprentatives. Of course they don’t personally read your email, but they do care about home voters’ opinions, and so they all count how many “yes” and “no” comments they receive from their constituencies.
Anyone who’s interested in individual rights or limiting the power of the president should write their senators and congresspeople right away at, or call them at the number on that website to express how they feel about this nominee.
Here’s a letter I just sent to a local newspaper. I don’t know if it will be published, but it explains my thinking on this most important of judicial nominations.
Judge Alito is now under consideration for a Supreme Court appointment. His many legal writings favor unchecked executive authority and secrecy. Clearly, this country needs just the opposite: less power, more transparency and more oversight for a president who’s worked to undermine Congress and the people for his own interests time and again.
Bush and Cheney have deservedly earned the mistrust of what polls show as the majority of this country’s citizens. How? Hundreds of recent books reveal his pro-war, pro-oil, pro-rich policies, many written by former members of his staff, conservatives who quit when they couldn’t take the stench anymore.
Here’s a short list of Bush’s despicable, and sometimes illegal actions. Hampering and illegally preventing fair voting in national elections. Failing to heed clear warnings about the 911 disaster in the months preceding it. Stonewalling and hampering the investigation of the 911 disaster. (Why would they possibly do that unless the truth was worse than the suspicions raised by their stonewalling)? Unqualified and incompetent heads of FEMA greatly worsening the Katrina catastrophe. Presenting suspect and even already-disproved intelligence to build support for the Iraq war. Destroying any inkling of international good will by allowing our agents to “disappear” suspects, imprison them without trial, and, most sickeningly, to torture them.
The latest of the administration’s crimes to come to light is the widespread, illegal spying on US citizens. This spying was done without warrants even though the FISA court allows immediate actions to be warranted after the fact.
In light of these misdeeds and the lack of trust they inspire, Bush’s nomination of Judge Alito should clearly be viewed as Bush’s effort to cement his administration’s power and protect himself from retribution for crimes committed against this country and humanity. If Alito is confirmed, the Supreme Court will take a hard right turn, and it will allow the overreaching of the executive branch to continue its unchecked course toward our country’s downfall.
Please go to and send your concerns to our US Senate representatives.
Good letter. You are already on a list somewhere. If anyone asks, I don’t know you.
As a British subject, my head of state isn’t even elected. My prime minister has more or less absolute power because we are effectively a one-party state until one of the other two parties gets its act together.
But at least we had our very own Kennedy assassination the other day. How cool is that.
Wait a minute, I thought it was only the conservatives who accused the liberals of being un/anti-American. If both sides do it the whole argument becomes more transparently lame!
We have just two days to save American Democracy - TODAY and MONDAY.
Through a stunning set of events, John Kerry and Ted Kennedy will lead a filibuster of Sam Alito on Monday.
Senate offices will be closed this weekend, so TODAY WE MUST CALL EVERY DEMOCRATIC SENATOR TO DEMAND SUPPORT FOR THE FILIBUSTER. And we must call them all again MONDAY.
If we lose the cloture vote on Monday at 4:30 p.m., the Senate will vote at 11 a.m. on Tuesday to put Sam Alito on the Supreme Court with Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and John Roberts - where they will vote in lockstep to ensure that the extremist agenda of the radical right is never blocked by any Court.
And what is that agenda? It is no longer a mystery: allowing a President to start illegal wars, murder civilians and journalists, destroy cities, torture prisoners, lock away citizens at home, and wiretap every email and call in the world. Having the Supreme Court choose Presidents, not the voters. Letting corporations crush their workers and poison the planet. And, of course, outlawing all abortions, even at the cost of women’s lives.
John Kerry decided to lead a filibuster because he cares passionately about American democracy - and because he was inspired by the hundreds of thousands of emails and calls from progressive activists like you.
Many Democratic Senators urged Kerry not to lead a filibuster because they were afraid to stand and fight.
But Kerry is not a coward. He said, “Judge Alito’s confirmation would be an ideological coup on the Supreme Court. The president has every right to nominate Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. It’s our right and our responsibility to oppose him vigorously.”
You said it, John Kerry!!!
George Bush needs 60 votes to end the filibuster and confirm Alito. Bush can count on 52 Republican votes. We must make sure he doesn’t get to 60.
There are 48 possible votes to sustain the filibuster. We are keeping a scorecard here:
Three Democrats - Ben Nelson (NE), Tim Johnson (SD), and Robert Byrd (WV) - plan to vote for Alito.
Three Democrats have said publicly they oppose Alito, but also oppose a filibuster - Mary Landrieu (LA), Ken Salazar (CO), and Dianne Feinstein (CA).
We must give these six Democrats two choices: (1) change their position to support a Democratic filibuster, or (2) spend Monday away from the Senate - preferably at Walter Reed Hospital talking to soldiers who have been maimed for life by the criminal actions of George Bush.
We know how hard you have worked to stop Alito. The White House wants us to believe our efforts cannot succeed, but they are just trying to get us to stop trying.
Let’s win it for our children, and for generations to come!!!
Bob Fertik
The following events can also be found in the After Downing Street events system at
You can also go there to find events near you or to create them.
Panel Discussion of Immediate Withdrawal from Iraq
Featuring: Scott Ritter, Stephen Zunes, Ann Wright, Michael Schwartz, David Swanson, Harlan Hopgood, Steve Young, and Lisa Lubow.
Saturday, January 28, 7:30 p.m.
Grand Ballroom - Manhattan Beach Marriott, 1400 Parkview Avenue, Manhattan Beach, Calif.
Progressive Caucus of the California Democratic Party and US Tour of Duty
“Out of Iraq” Forum
Featuring: David Swanson, Ann Wright, Jane Bright, Sean Huze, Marcy Winograd
Sunday, January 29, 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
The Paul Kopeikin Gallery, 6150 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.
Progressive Democrats of America, After Downing Street, & Clothing of the American Mind
Bush-Cheney Impeachment Forum
Featuring: Kevin Zeese, Cindy Sheehan, Ann Wright, Da! vid Swanson, Ramsey Clark, Marcus Raskin, and Ralph Nader.
Monday, January 30, noon to 2 p.m.
Bus Boys and Poets, 14th and V Streets, NW, Washington, DC
Democracy Rising, After Downing Street/Censure Bush, Backbone Campaign,, ImpeachPAC, Montgomery County Progressive Alliance, and Progressive Democrats of America.
Cindy Sheehan to Read from Her New Book
Monday, January 30, 7 p.m.
All Souls Unitarian Church, 1500 Harvard St. NW, Washington, DC
Dick Cheney Birthday Bash
Monday, January 30, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Duggan’s Pub, 440 S. 11th Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Bring the Noise and Drown Out Bush’s Lies
Tuesday, January 31, 8 p.m.
In large cities and town squares across the country — we will rally one hour before Bush’s address. At 9:00 PM let the world hear us as we symbolically drown out Bush’s lies—bring your own noise—drums, pots and pans, musical instruments — your voice. Let taxi horns blare and church bells ring, as we bring our own state of the union message: BUSH STEP DOWN!
In DC? Join us at the Capitol Reflecting Pool!
The People’s State of the Union
Instead of sitting at home alone shouting at your TV in anger and frustration, take the People’s State of the Union to the public. Gather with other CODEPINK women at a friendly bar or restaurant to watch the President’s speech and make a night of it.
In DC? Join us at Bus Boys and Poets restaurant at V and 14th Streets, NW.
Iraq’s Oil and Port Workers and their Unions: Photographs by David Bacon
January 31 - February 28
Opening Reception: January 31, 7:30 p.m.
United Steel Workers Local 675, 1200 E. 220th St., Carson, Calif.
March 1 - March 31
International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 63, 350 W. 5th Street, San Pedro, Calif.
Take Our Demand to the White House
This regime is immoral, dangerous, and criminally indictable.
Bush Lied. Bush Spied. Bush Step Down.
2006. 2008. Too late. Turn your outrage into mass political action.
Saturday, February 4, 11 a.m.
17th & Constitution, Washington, DC
Presidents Day
February 20 is Presidents Day. Don’t you wish we had a president? Cindy Sheehan plans to travel to Houston to ask to speak with Bush’s mother. Why not plan your own President’s day event?
Protest Powell
Protest Colin Powell at the Willard Hotel in Washington, DC
A Day of Events in San Diego
Friday, March 3
Lunch at Catfish Club, featuring: David Swanson, Ann Wright;
UCSD Anti-War Rally, ;
6:30 p.m. panel discussion, featuring: Cindy Sheehan, Ann Wright, David Swanson.
4th Annual Party for Progressives!
Activist San Diego presents:
We say NO to War! We Support Peace & Justice for All!
Special Guest: CINDY SHEEHAN
Sat March 4, 8 -11pm
Balboa Park Club Ballroom, San Diego, CA
Dancing to award winning dance band LIQUID BLUE
To purchase tickets: 619-528-8383 or
Women Say No to War
March 8, International Women’s Day
At White House and around the world
John: You know he’d support eminent domain, which allows huge profits to go to developers/contractors, and kicks little people out of their homes, usually at great cost to the taxpayers.
Seen that before under Bush, even without Iraq.
But then, your big stock profits come from Haliburton (just went up huge, with huge profits last year from $billion earnings from your taxpayer dollars to Haliburton.
Is this where Kelo said the city illegally took his land via emm. domain, and later it was used, through a developement plan, by another private entity?
Yes, that is the case. I linked to a Wikipedia article about it in my previous post.
The city won the case by a 5-4 decision. The city took the property under eminent domain so they could sell it to a private developer who would improve it with upscale residential and business buildings that would improve the area, move jobs to the area, and generally increase the tax base for the city.
You can look at which justices ruled in favor of the city and which ruled against. Puts the arguments that conservatives are always for business on its head. It is a core belief for anyone with conservative leanings that the city abused their power of eminent domain in that case. It’s a fundamental core belief, doesn’t even require any thought to know which way the case should have gone.