Hey everyone. Me and Forrest’s video is finally finished. It was a true honor for me to get to do a video with Forrest because he always seemed to be a really cool guy, and I’ve always thought he was nice to people. He’s a really true person. Anywas, its not like the greatest thing ever on my part, but I think its a feel good type video, so i hope you like it. I couldn’t land a 360 unispin for the vid…cuz im too inconsistent…but forrest definately did so he made up for it. A lot of things I intended to film I could never get , so I just remained content with the shots I had. Keep in mind, I’m not Kelly Hickman, or like Shaun J. So yea the video can be seen here . Enjoy!
Yes… unfortuantly, the charger for my video camera got left at a hotel, for over a month, and I only had like 4 days to film, and I had to do it all in my yard. Which doesn’t have much. It was a little rushed…